Dukie - Jalopnik Emergency Management Asshole

Pfft. Call me when you get a letter of reprimand for accidentally hitting an A-10 with a "bread van".



Submission 3

Submission 2

Submission 1

This is a better excuse than anything Jesus has come up with.

They most certainly were not on a "modified" Blackhawk. They were on a Ch-47 Chinhook. 38 lives were lost in that shoot down, a "*hawk" doesn't carry that many people.


"Also if it's a stealth chopper doesn't matter if the Iranis know about: they can't see it!!"

F-16's and HH-60's apparently. At least according to Google Maps.

Goodnight, Sweet Prince.

Also, scotch. Plenty of scotch.

Maybe do 50 of them, and Roy Wort can have a contest?


So, instead of 2 double cheeseburgers sandwiching a McChicken, we can have two McChickens sandwich a Whopper?

Lehman's now deleted Facebook page listed his interests as "UFC: Ultimate Fighting Championship, AFFLICTION, Golds Gym Richland Wa, Powerhouse Restaurant and Brewery, reddit, 9GAG, Summit Pub, Vision Quest Sport and Fitness."