Dukie - Jalopnik Emergency Management Asshole


I've had this pounded into my head on every flood disaster I've been on.

This could be a...

Most states have a minimum width of 6' for crosswalks. So you're looking for a length of about 6' from nose to A-pillar.

Welcome to Jalopnik, Mouse!

Replying to promote.

BLAST! And just a bit too late to edit.

"In 2004, a crack commando unit was sent to Gawker by a court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the interweb underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a car part, if no one else can identify it, and

Dead Like Me reference and a hot chick in glasses all in one concise thread?

Awesome. One of these days, we should have a Seattle Jalopmeet somewhere.

So what the hell did KIRO ask you guys about last night? I wasn't staying up until 11pm when I had to be up at 3:30am to see.

Commander Keen!? That's heart click worthy!

The Owner's been contacted by a local news station (according to their Facebook page). He's also posted on here a couple times. Good show Jalops!

Grosse Pointe Woods. The retarded cousin of Grosse Pointe.

Now playing

The police are just assholes. The guy obviously saw Roy O'Brien's new Mustang commercial and was making his way to 9 Mile and Mack. I hear they have the best deal around, and the guy was on the right track anyway.

What do you mean too old? Go FE, Gunner, Load or Boom. I have quiet a few FE friends on multiple platforms. I'm pretty sure you'd enjoy it.

I would have much rather gotten on a plane instead of sitting in the PAX terminal for hours with my thumb up my ass pretending to "deploy" to Korea. The rest was cake.

"So what's the point of all of this, other than a good photo op and a "Don't try anything" to North Korea? Not much."
