Dukie - Jalopnik Emergency Management Asshole

Touché, gentlemen. I haven't owned my Durango for a few years.

But, Finance chicks just got Bronze Stars, they must be doing their jobs!

It sounds like they are being reasonable on the housing thing. Per Diem rates for Virginia Beach are $89/day for lodging (most likely, she could have the USN get her a hotel at the Government rate). They are screwing her (if it's indeed a fact), on the M&IE (Meals and Incidental Expenses) since it's listed at $56 per

What it looks like repaired.

Another angle.

I think you're close Jstas. But I'm leaning towards a Durango instead. The pic is from my run in with a deer a few years ago. The black "fins" that are inside the openings tend to go bye-bye in an accident.

Does it really fucking matter? They did the absolute best they could under the conditions. From the pictures and reports, they rode it in as far as they thought they could. They aren't dead, so we'll get the story directly from them after they recover. So far, no one's been reported as killed, and that's all the

No. London Bridge is a city in Virginia.

Because Italy is right next door to Virginia? While it was a tragic event, it has no connection to this incident at all.

I would assume if there was a wing root failure, it would've tumbled out of the sky instead of what the picture at 1:18pm shows. I've got to agree with Shrikeker. If the 20 seconds in the air that was reported is even close to accurate, it goes right along with the Sully A319 & Yukla 27 crashes and their bird strikes.

"ABC 13 News says the Navy is planning on fully reassembling the F-18, and urging residents to stay away from debris. Apparently, even touching it is against the law."

"There have been more than 25 crashes involving Navy aircraft on or near the base over the past four decades."

Suck it up, Buttercup.

Blame the city planners. NAS Oceana has been there since 1943.

Almost immediately unless it's a high altitude ejection.

If he crashed just after takeoff, I'm willing to bet the cause of this will be a bird strike(s). It's the same thing that took down Captain Sully's A319 and Yukla 27, an E-3 Sentry in Alaska.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about? Have you ever worked on an aircraft with an ejection seat? Zero-Zero just means the seat can be used at 0 altitude and 0 forward speed. It still takes time for the sequence to engage and complete. While its a VERY short amount of time, it increase when a two seat

To the man that designed the car I still lust after, and probably will for a few more years;

Oh, Matt. Do you really not know why this guy is still in office?

Gilbert Gottfried's Asian cousin?