The Port of Seattle provides it. They actually make announcements over the PA system about it. KSEA is my home airport.
Then there's the whole, Free WiFi at SeaTac anyway thing.
Friends in both communities.
No, not really.
I'll have to find the exact news story, but the families signed documentation stating that the pieces of the servicemembers were unwanted and could be disposed of as medical waste. Like I said before, medical waste is normally put in landfills (after following the proper decontamination/incineration guidelines).
I thought that was the people who wrote the commentary stories on
I think there was a lot of sensationalism in that article. Those remains were what most would consider medical waste. Things along the lines of tumors, liposuctioned fat, etc. Taking the article at face value, it would seem that 274 people were discarded in a landfill, when in reality, it was small parts that were…
Hey now. Just because one class of asshats did something stupid, doesn't mean all the "Port Dawgs" are stupid. Just most of them. And a vast majority of the Mortuary Affairs folks take great pride in their jobs.
Hilton/Marriott or bust.
Because the rainbow warriors are so awesome!
Shouldn't you be at a guardmount or sleeping in your Impala?
You didn't say shit about motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane! How the hell do you get my ass on a motherfucking snake infested plane made of goddamned bedsheets with some epoxy on it!? I oughta taze your ass for letting me get on this motherfucking plane with these motherfucking snakes again!
Ivan Stewart Off Road Racing.
I think asshattery is a better term. It just rolls off the tongue better.