A Fletch reference, in my Jalopnik?!
A Fletch reference, in my Jalopnik?!
Jedi Mind Tricks you say?
Is that a fat joke?
Damn, I missed this on Friday. A late submission...
There is currently a geographically targeted text alert system being tested in the NYC and D.C. areas.
I was trying to find the one Jalopnik posted a few months ago with the little girl getting hit by a car as she was crossing the street at school but couldn't find it. THAT, was a chilling PSA.
This song was playing while the driver of this REO Swedewagon performed the above "hoonery".
"I can't promise I'll be well licked, but I CAN promise that I'll get comments with the most emotion!"
6th Gear: Give me a press pass, a jar of Vaseline, a photo of Matt Hardigree & Mike Spinelli playing croquet wearing banana hammocks, an occasional trip with Bill Caswell to perform debauchery, a midget, 4 bags of rubber bands, a donkey, a DVD of the best Jeremy Clarkson one liners, a bottle of breakfast scotch every…
Aww, thanks everyone!
Antibiotics are done with. I'm actually feeling a helluva lot better.