Dukie - Jalopnik Emergency Management Asshole

A Fletch reference, in my Jalopnik?!

Is that a fat joke?

I don't care what Jennifer that body is attached to. I'd hit it like the fist of an angry God. And for those 15 seconds, she will know THE GREATEST PLEASURE IN THIS ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!!

Now playing

Damn, I missed this on Friday. A late submission...

I need new pants.

Not bad, kid.

There is currently a geographically targeted text alert system being tested in the NYC and D.C. areas.

I was trying to find the one Jalopnik posted a few months ago with the little girl getting hit by a car as she was crossing the street at school but couldn't find it. THAT, was a chilling PSA.

ECU overheating? Re-route the windshield washer to cool it!

No, Thorny. I barely had a job before.

No they don't! We would have never went back to 1955 if it wasn't for the Libyans!!

Needs moar guidos.

Now playing

This song was playing while the driver of this REO Swedewagon performed the above "hoonery".

Third/Fourth Gen Camaro/Firebird

"I can't promise I'll be well licked, but I CAN promise that I'll get comments with the most emotion!"

6th Gear: Give me a press pass, a jar of Vaseline, a photo of Matt Hardigree & Mike Spinelli playing croquet wearing banana hammocks, an occasional trip with Bill Caswell to perform debauchery, a midget, 4 bags of rubber bands, a donkey, a DVD of the best Jeremy Clarkson one liners, a bottle of breakfast scotch every

Aww, thanks everyone!

Antibiotics are done with. I'm actually feeling a helluva lot better.