
I’ve now read the New York Times article.

I never commented before, but I will gladly do so now.

It’s definitely a clickbait headline because it quotes the congressman as saying “You’re ignorant” when he never said those words. Quotes mean something. The only quote they should be able to provide is “your ignorance”.

I don’t care if it’s alive.

Even if he can pardon them, accepting a pardon means admitting guilt.

I believe Anthony Rapp.

It’s more like market testing for a game in early development.

If she has been made aware of it, she probably thinks it is racist.

There are stories on the Internet that are posted many times. Often presented as being about the poster.

I have a funny story about this.

Webster Dictionary doesn’t say anything about til’ death. It only mentions a contractual relationship recognized by law.

Well, he does have two young children. That can, understandably, leave a person rather scatterbrained.

I think the obvious reading is that he demands of himself 7-8 hours of sleep. Plenty of people have the ability to sleep 3-5 hours a night and be tired all the time. He’s just saying he’s intentionally not burning the midnight oil. Making himself turn in early.

I’m more concerned about promoting critical thinking than pushing the rejection of belief.

Appeal to Tradition: a common logical fallacy that occurs when it is assumed that something is better or correct simply because it is older or traditional.

An appeal to tradition is the same thing racists use to keep their flags and monuments defacing our public grounds.

For those interested, this article details the wireless vulnerability present in the WinVote system.

I will say this, these voting machines were hacked by hackers having physical access to the machines USB ports. Only by first having access to the USB ports could remote access be enabled.

Nick stated he had stuck with all the side stories and spinoffs(even if you do not like that term).

Looks like the scores didn’t have a zero in the 1's spot. Looking at the high scores list, the same discrepancy is repeated as the scores increase.