
At the risk of sounding weird, I love a good apology. Here’s what I did, here’s why it was wrong and here’s why it will never happen again—all with no typos and no excuses. Wonderful.

Oh wait, the guy in the video said I would say that and explains why I’m a dummy for saying that. I guess he got me.

Oh, I wouldn’t say this is that .....

Fuck you Piven. I bet he’s been shitting himself for weeks. They all are.

Victims have now come forward.

If I may ask one thing, pushing my luck after unintentionally sending you a poison Kinja note: I know in everyday life, most men prefer to see evidence on charges of sexual misconduct. What I (and so many women) are asking for is this: when something gets to “open secret” status, it means that dozens of women have

Holy crap. I responded to you instead of another poster. Sorry. We can’t delete either. That wasn’t for you. Apologies.

Well here are your victims. You can believe them now.

The story broke. NYT has it online.

I have read the article now. Thank you. I had not seen it when I posted.

The Tig turn broke down more of my barrier between the artist/comedian and the man. The fact he praised her and played such a part in bringing her DESERVINGLY into the spotlight and then things.... changed (the clown skit, for one). It was a great example of how career help and support doesn’t have to lead to

Nah. People are allowed to voice skepticism when faced with nothing more than rumors at the time. It’s actually healthy to be skeptical when facts are scarce . Now that facts are being presented, we can have a more honest dialogue about Louis C.K.: he sexually harassed at least 5 women, and he even admitted to his

Precisely this. It wasn’t so much a defense as it was one rumor from a verifiable source (Jen Kirkman), who had actively and publicly denied the rumor. As the alleged victim, I also believed her when she said that she was NOT actually a victim (of CK). Almost all of the other allegations (Tig, Roseanne, etc.) related

If the rumors prove to be true no one at Jezebel gets to gloat. They were beyond reckless in how they handled (and continue to handle) this story. The NYT are the ones that put in the work to actually get to the truth, not just putting out a call for someone to do their jobs for them.