
I believe the audio has been dubbed on top, but the video is real.

I work in an environment where sometimes people need to be restrained.

He’s gonna be baby Lando Calrissian.

Libertarian potheads.


Yeah, I don’t think the Wachowski Brothers have made any movies in a long time.

What is the end goal of a progressing society if not the automation of drudgery, and a guarantee of support for even those who do not work because there is not need for them to work?

I finally found a date. The probation revocation hearing took place on February 24, 2016. That is when his probation was revoked. He was found not guilty in August 2016. At least that is the timeline according to Atlanta 11 News.

I would guess that the arrest triggered a probation revocation hearing which only requires a preponderance of the evidence to show that the defendent violated his probation.

As evidenced by the several pleas, the defendant or his lawyers believed he was likely to lose a case if it went to trial.

I’m pretty sure that the being arrested in and of itself is what led to a probation revocation hearing in which the judge revoked probation. Even though he was acquitted of the crime, he was still arrested the probation revocation hearing still took place. Pretty bullshit. But that sounds like what happened here.

To avoid a trial in which he could be found guilty of armed robbery.

Do not search for Bad Dragon.

Am I just not doing the math right here?

I’m on PP’s side. However, Tom Price states that money is fungible. Not fudgeable.

Games you can purchase are not abandonware.

You take that back. Jack Chick was a satirical genius I tells ya. Unappreciated in his time.

It could just be 12 in a John Smith type scenario.

Littlefoot died in the Land Before Time 6.