Yes. There’s also gun “feel”, which is well represented in Destiny.
Yes. There’s also gun “feel”, which is well represented in Destiny.
In all seriousness, I’d like to understand why there is this thought? I don’t think the “halo ring” could do much in a Felipe Massa type accident, but no reason it can’t be structurally sufficient to prevent a head impact?
I can easily see hybridization being massive in the 2020s, but EVs? Not entirely.
The newer ones have a “pop-out” function in the lid that makes it easy to clean everything when you leave it in the dishwasher.
The newer ones have a “pop-out” function in the lid that makes it easy to clean everything when you leave it in the…
Supercharging makes sense in this application because it’s a fucking big displacement pushrod engine. If you have a proper VVT overhead system that can reduce turbo lag through cam phasing and valve lift trickery, by all means. The Hemi doesn’t have that, it has prodigious amounts of displacement and headflow but a…
Now... let’s see him level up his subclasses that way
DUH ran eight tests in total based on Europe’s NEDC drive cycle. Two of the tests, which were run with a cold engine, did okay, but the rest, run with a warm engine, showed NOx values well above allowable levels, reaching up to 1.777 mg of NOx and maxing out the DUH’s machines.
It’s dependent on the kind of feedback. As you complain about, we’re getting too much “feedback” that distracts from the driving experience from all sorts of “assist” systems; at the same time, we’re losing feedback from crap steering geometry and mushy brake pedals. I think the pedal, if implemented correctly, falls…
I think Bungo’s reasoning is that the defender class is supposed to be a support class, therefore having high K/D ratio isn’t a priority. It’s situational because it’s the least mobile of all the classes, something that current crucible matches tend to punish (except maybe Zone Control).
Sunbreakers have gotten smacked hard, but on that front all it means is that the classes are more balanced. It means you can no longer blindly hurl your hammers like an idiot, and it means that the other titan subclasses (striker/defender) are back to being decent options depending on match type.
The mistake people make is that thinking that Liberals and Conservatives are as far apart on the political spectrum as the Republicans and Democrats in the US. The reality is that the Liberals and Conservatives are slightly left and right of center. If you’re really a lefty, you’d be voting for the NDP.
My thoughts might be skewed since I was born in the GTA and not in the rural regions, but I have not seen bible thumpers, and racism doesn’t even begin to compare with, say, Michigan (which is comparatively mild to some other places in the US). Eastern Quebec is pretty racist though.
You’d be surprised. West Coast Canada is pretty mild (just rainy); on the eastern portion, Southern Ontario isn’t really that cold. Heck, you actually go NORTH from Windsor into Detroit.
Sure, and when that day comes I’ll stop playing. But for now, I’ll take the content and I’ll probably pay for a few small items since I actually have a job.
Yes, as was always the plan. From the wording it looks like Eververse is selling cosmetic items, probably the racesuits.
RNGesus felt fit to grant me the gift of a 310 Red Death and Bad Juju within 5 seconds of each other (exotic engram and legendary decrypted). After that it’s been a parade of light level 260 stuff...
That’s because this isn’t a DLC, it seems more like an event. I think the faster Sparrows you actually need to obtain from the Raids, but the note on the end says that you can buy some of the gear from Eververse trading company too.