Exactly this. When even the smallest screw has to have at least the lot number recorded when it’s installed, using a product that’s not specified and has no records is a big problem.
Exactly this. When even the smallest screw has to have at least the lot number recorded when it’s installed, using a product that’s not specified and has no records is a big problem.
Got to wonder if they used Dawn to find the Russian glory holes in the ISS.....
Hi David,
I did not say this was racially motivated.
No no no, you’ve got it wrong. Sales says “we can do that”, then goes back and tells engineering “we can do that right?” after they’ve already promised it.
Pretty sure your “well, actually” shit got shut the fuck down in this thread. Have a seat.
IANAL, emphasis mine. SWATting itself is pretty clearly covered in 21-5415:
Kansas Penal Code 21-5403 - The killing of a human being commited
Intentionally or unintentionally but recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to human life
21-3404 for involuntary manslaughter
recklessly or during the commission of or an attempt to commit any felony or misdemeanor that…
False: We actually have laws for incidents involving one person convincing another person to commit murder. It’s still murder. Fuck off.
Not saying he shouldn’t face repercussions but the fact this happened wouldn’t be that surprising.
Percentage of fault divided among those involved:
Note: I know you are not saying this, responding more to the general “Big deal nobody got hurt, it was hilarious” crowd.
All true. I grew up in a law enforcement family.
There are rules, regulations, and training programs that pertain to trigger discipline.
They fail more often than they should.
That said, if the dipshit who made the call hadn’t been butthurt over a fucking game, this particular instance of awfulness wouldn’t have…
Well... It’s finally happened. Hope these people who “pulled the prank” get a heavy sentence. Before now, they’ve always hid behind, “It’s just a joke, no one got hurt!” Hopefully they get set up as examples. I’m scared it’ll be a 15 year old who gets a slap on the wrist.
“I didn’t get anyone killed because I didn’t discharge a weapon, and because...”
Fuck you.
If you made that call, you are at fault, full stop.
It’s a fucking video game. Get your shit together and be a decent human being, or see yourself into the care of those who will prevent you from harming others over your tiny…
So a guy is now dead over half the price of a small coffee and the people actually responsible are all washing their hands of it because they don’t understand how consequences work?
The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.
You’re joking or trolling right? Qualifying in a 24 hour race means absolutely nothing after the green flag drops and after the checker falls it means less than nothing.
There’s never too much time to fight the oppression of your culture.