
The Nazi ideology was based on racial superiority. They were ridiculous, but you can understand why they’re doing the things they do, assuming you understand hatred.

Yes, because tickling feet that’s sticking outside a car window is really reckless and the obvious response is to wish death on them.

Well, evidently a lot of people didn’t whine, they just bought a PS4 instead. I think there’s a direct correlation between sales performance of the two consoles that can easily be explained by the stumble out of the gates from Microsoft, and the sales loss spoke louder than any amount of bitching. The decision to

It’s easy to ride and easy to take to its limits- way easier for beginners than a 250R. You can throw it in the back of a SUV too. It’s also the ultimate metropolitan commuter weapon, if you live in the inner city, and probably one of the best city bikes that isn’t a scooter.

The only way I’d pick this up is with the Xbox bundle, in which case it seems like a more reasonably priced upgrade.

Can you explain the context?

Well I don’t live in Texas, so in my civilized society I find this hard to justify. Apparently the real authorities down there agrees, and don’t seem to appreciate this guy’s attempt to do their job for them.

So you can tell the rider crossed the double yellow on a straight road you need to see even more evidence to see that the driver is in the wrong? LOL. Wait, you’re right, you can’t see the mitigating circumstances for these driver, such as his psychological and mental deficiencies, nor the hornets nest that has been

Right, because straight pieces of Texas road are extremely difficult to parse.

I don’t know which one is the asshole. It’s so hard to decide between them: the two riders that demonstrated that on a 400 lb. machine they really don’t do anything against other cars, or the guy who tried to commit murder?

You know, you’re absolutely right. The driver did his civic duty and didn’t just, you know, ignore the situation or maybe call the real cops with a license plate and description; afterwards content to go on with his day and let nature run its course with two squids.

Sure, but it’s not up to you to decide another person’s life. Let them pass and it’ll catch up to them, one way or another.

Yeah, this can be all avoided. The driver could have let them pass. And maybe go on with his day, content that something will eventually bite that rider in the ass?

You should learn a couple of lessons yourself.

This is the dumbest rationale I’ve ever heard, so I’m pulling you put of the grays so everyone can see it. First, if you want to “teach a lesson”, you don’t get to actually kill them or they won’t learn shit. As it is, I’m surprised the motorcyclists didn’t shoot him in retaliation. Second, it isn’t this guy’s job to

lol... a few pieces of wire, a 555 timer chip, and a breadboard in a small box and it’s suddenly A MOTHERFUCKING BOMB. Despite the lack of you know, something explosive. And yeah, the kid just casually decided to bring and show it off in school, maybe his “teacher” was just intimidated by his basic electronics

Yeah, the motorcyclists crossed the double yellow to pass. That’s bad.

This is kind of intentional. The actual name for this group of gear is “swamp”...

They didn’t even ask me for one even I rented a Cayman from the Porsche museum

You should try to avoid a collision =)