
I honestly cannot fathom the corvette c4 exploding in value...ever. even the zr1

This is taking into account gas, insurance and maintenance.

Don't worry about it, it's just an interface built on top of what all cars already have- QNX. So it will auto-detect what phone you have and display the corresponding app.

Yes, it's just a projected application on top of what cars already use- QNX.

You didn't get the joke?

That's why Hondas are/were popular, and why it's sad that they no longer offer a 8500 rpm 2-liter engine in anything.

I drove the Ford Fiesta with the 3-banger while I was travelling through the Netherlands, and then I took a VW Polo back towards Switzerland. I'll be honest- the Ford Fiesta, particularly with the ecoboost 1-liter, was a piece of shit. Stop/start felt like the engine had broken mounts, gearing was tall and the stick

This looks to be a BTG time for the Ford of just a bit under ten minutes (9:50-ish?). For reference, during my 2nd lap ever of the Nordschliefe in a Suzuki Swift (136hp) I went 10:27, being passed by tons of Porsches and BMWs. So I don't know what that 135i was doing, but it was definite HELLA slow. Hope he had at

"It's what happens when you build increasingly complex machines with increasingly stricter cost requirements with incredibly tight bottom lines. I don't have the answer."

No it's not. It's //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////M

My deceased 2003 Civic Si hatchback (killed by an SUV driver in Michigan- typical). I came from motorcycles prior so it wasn't too difficult other than the fact that everything needs to happen with different limbs. Once I jumped to a 2006 Civic Si my learning accelerated because everything in that car worked so well

They already have solar powered fans that ventilate out your window. You can also use a sunshade and open the windows to ventilate the car when you set off. Reason I say this is because the Prius at one point had a solar panel roof option for AC, but it was a couple of extra grand...

Sounds like you want a Toyota Camry

Most dashcams have an "auto-start" when you turn on the car and power goes to the 12V socket.

I'd be surprised if that ends up being a 2+2 coupe

Doesn't have to be 6 figures. A Miata or S2000 will never be better with a diesel.

Tack on $2-3K for the diesel engine premium, and then Americans start to wonder if that 50% better FE will be worth it. The premium is also going to increase, because diesels still underperform in terms of emissions, compared to petrol engines.

I'll give you a hint: I'm not white, and English isn't my first language. I don't know what "second" and "third tier" Chinese cities you've been to, but I sure as heck haven't seen many coupes, and certainly no sports coupes. It's rare enough seeing the odd 911, there are way more Panameras and Cayennes, and the

Chinese people don't like Ford Mustangs. China loves SUVs and extremely large sedans.

Ford hasn't had a great track record with some of their boosted engine results either. Certainly I don't expect them to suck on Hyundai's level, but there's no telling what the engine will be like.