
But so easy to nurse in, which makes it a more appealing post-baby option.

Dear Certain White People (you know who you are),

Ok, WBC. Sure.

This is your occasional reminder that the WBC is not a church, it's a slip-and-fall lawsuit factory. They enrage people at difficult moments, get them to act irrationally, then sue everyone within a 500 yard radius.

Maybe it's the best way to keep them secret, because who on Earth would hack AOL?

Every Monday at 11 AM. I always schedule them for the same time. :-)

It's weird, we consider ourselves Midwesterners here in Chicago, but I'll be damned if this whole "Midwestern food sensibility" applies to the city. The idea that a place serving steak defaults to medium (instead of medium rare) is insane to me. Hell, I get my burgers medium rare any time I get the option.

"We are sorry for showing you this photo, But it's what we do."

25 gravity filled years later:

Up close pics of tattoos will never not look disgusting. Especially when you have to guess what body part the tats are located. I always guess cadaverous pig carcass because that's what they all look like.

Does it matter? In either case the hospital is responsible, if its negligence lead her to contract Ebola in the first place.

I think racism is a factor in how many Americans react to anything the Obamas do, but I also think that any First Lady who tells people "what they should and should not eat" would experience a backlash.

Honestly, I think so much of it has to do with certain people not wanting a black woman telling them what they should and shouldn't eat. Like you said, culturally loaded landlines.

The Obama's had burgers and fries once so she can't encourage people to eat healthy foods? I'm pretty sure she's not trying to outlaw fries or oreos, just make sure that children grow up having junk food as a special, infrequent treat instead of a cornerstone of their diet.

i don't wear jewelry but my parents pierced my ears when i was little because they're filipino and it's standard in their culture, and i find my "permanent scars" to be NBD

So you're saying that it was a bad idea to get "Good/Evil" knuckle tattoos on my kid?

The nineties were interesting time that my grandkids will probably think I'm making up.

Knowing that your parents are bisexual is no different than knowing they are straight. It's a normal thing now.

Even if that's true, who cares?