
Who's the real idiot at E?


What about if you are a girl and you go all the way with a girl? Who gets called a slut then?

"You know Tina, the Devil takes your soul every time you orgasm? That is why your mother is still a pure woman today!" (I'm just guessing based on the image, I have to wait until I am done with work to be sure.)

Taunt of Slut is my next band name.

I lost count at four creams. So many creams! I only use one cream, and I don't use it consistently. That's probably why this is my face:

omg im sorry but i am laughing so hard rn

Didn't use the wikis :(

I have a theory about people who become wildly successful/famous on the level that Steve has achieved: their relationship with their past, pre-fame and success, is an either or proposition. Either they embrace it. Or they shed it like a snake sheds its skin, leaving it in the middle of the road, to dry up and blow

So at this place, everything tastes like ham?

But it's specifically called Irish coffee because it's alcoholic. You know, like the Irish.

That is a Unicorn, not a Dog.^^

This guy is a week away from 12 years old and he's in great shape. I've always fed him a high-quality food, and don't overload with treats. Table scraps are a no-no and he has never once tried to steal food. That said, when it is 5'til eating time he will calming sit in front of me and stare at me until I get up

Internet high-five. I don't know why everyone thinks small children need sugar water to survive. If you're feeding your kid a healthy diet, they don't need to consume something that consists of literally nothing but 25 grams of sugar in order to get their daily dose of vitamin C. Feed your kid a goddamn apple and


Emma Watson is basically already royalty, and certainly outranks Prince Harry on the public-esteem scale.

1. tagalongs