So is this a musical version or no? I’ve seen some clips of the Johnny character singing to people and its not good.
So is this a musical version or no? I’ve seen some clips of the Johnny character singing to people and its not good.
Ordinarily, she annoys the shit out of me, but I found this quite delightful.
I mean, stealing people’s money is never okay, but I am having a hard time feeling badly for the 125 people who though it was cool to buy into a ticket scalping scheme.
I think it’s this; must be a current (or former?) POTUS to use the seal.
Life long Cleveland fan and native Clevelander here - that shit’s racist. We can deny it all we want to, but racism is subtle and it never matters what the intent is, only what the outcome is. And bullshit on the “It’s only now a problem” argument. There have been protests at our games for over 20 years.
Unfortunately, its not legal in all states. I know its not in Ohio, for sure. I’ve got a friend who tried to get it for her son.
This made me sob with relief.
The wording of the poll threw me. It said “influence” and it does, because when I catch a little whiff of the Duke after using his soap it AFFECTS ME in all the right ways. (My soap isn’t very smelly, so it doesn’t matter if he uses mine.) I don’t think that’s what the poll was going for, though.
And this right here is why I don’t have the type of relationship with my parents that allows me to be open and honest with them about something being seriously wrong in my life. It took me a few years of counseling to figure it out, but that’s it in a nutshell. They don’t know about the counseling, or the depression,…
This is my nightmare. Don't fuck with my IBS.
Ahh. These are the ones I have to remember to go back and watch at home; can’t watch the videos at work and I’m dying to see the awkward. Ha.
“But we were conflicted about how much that “absolves” him of any misdeeds.”
Aside from an increase in acne (which went away when I started co-washing my hair), I've had no negative side effects from my mirena, and I've had it since November 2012. Would definitely use again.
I think it also says a lot in that he recognizes that if he speaks, the event becomes about him when it should be about the kids. Good for him.
I can’t be the only one to think Blondie might have a legit beef here, right? They stole that riff clean out of Heart of Glass.
No sort of - that’s EXACTLY what it looks like.
He’s so dreamy.
Highly doubt it.