
now we kiss right?????????????????

I really don't understand how their recommendation algorithm works. I stopped looking at the "top picks" list because they kept including things and saying that "based on your history, we think you would give this one star." Why are recommending things you think I'll hate, Netflix?

I'm going to have to go with, "Now I know what evil tastes like!"

Oh my god it gets funnier every single time


Arby's is throwing some shade.

To quote my friend Nick, this is schadenfreude so thick and rich you can drizzle it over pancakes.

Good to see Fisher finally bring the authority when it counts: on the field, in Winston's final game, and one that is out of reach.

Fucking dust. I need to hire a cleaner

This has 43 stars right now, which feels appropriate.

I have to agree, this wasn't quite the grossest thing I've ever read or experienced, but then, I'm a nurse with great experience in Interventional Proctology. But as first efforts go, it's not bad. Here's a pro tip for all: don't dig in your pooper with your fingers on a daily basis. It leads to prolapse of the anus.

It definitely reviled even the most intense orgasm I've ever had


Here's what I know:

Everyone loves an acronym (as evidenced by all those WWJD bracelets and such), but I don't think ZXGVULYWOPT is gonna catch on.

Christ, remind me to never pass out at a party with you around.

Waking up with a crude Sharpie dick on one's face is bad enough but you'd probably be all up in there incorporating cheek moles to represent some tiny obscure penis glands and making that shit a masterpiece.

Please draw a penis brain for the class.

In my defense, I can't even draw an anatomically correct toe, and 99.9% of us have at least one of those.