
I would like everyone to start off the year with a good giggle so I'd like to share that my mother thought The Igloo said "first things first, I'm a realist"

Look, I admit that I'm not the best dancer in the world, but picking somebody up by the cheeks sounds like it would put a lot of stress on the neck. Doesn't sound all that sexy, either.

I refuse to believe that at least 40 people went to see "Taken 2".

Disappointed that "pearl scrunchie" isn't a euphemism.

That looks like a screen shot from a video game. Are we sure those are real people in that image?

That video should be Exhibit 1 in his civil suit against NYPD.

  • A rodent's nest with multiple rodents in a plastic-lined box in a cooler that had thawing rib meat on top of melons.

I'm going to open a testeraunt.

Thanks for keeping us abreast of this story.

I'm one of three people at my firm who has to be in the office today, and this is the first story I read on Jez this morning.

They look nothing alike.

I was going to do it, but I couldn't fit it into the lede. I'm glad you did!

of the things to experiment with in the 90s, I think you made a fairly safe swerve to the wild side. ;-)

Compromise: Wear brown thongs.

It's not your face. It's a manufactured face... and you think it's the best because you live in a shitty culture that tells you aging is bad, particularly if you're a woman.

Since you can't read at grade level, I'll explain to you what I wrote does not have any relation to her being democrat or a republican. She is a deluded, entitled moron. Republicans talk a lot about people being paid what they're "worth," ( i.e. the poor deserve what they get and nothing more). I'm extending that

This video is pure schadenfreude. Only... I'm smiling and laughing with my WHOLE face.

"I don't want to be the person who can't get on the plane alone, who can't get my daughter to Paris." Fuck me... I don't know who you are, lady, but this is the moment when I wish the Republican vision of everyone earning only what they are worth would become realized.