
So are all the tweets I faved/bookmarked no longer accessible? That would suck royally; Twitter is an underground repository of awesome shit for teachers. I had a bunch of good stuff saved there!

Oooooh. Do tell.

You are so on point today; its fucking glorious.

And that’s the thing - just because parent consent isn’t required doesn’t mean they haven’t gotten it.

Maybe (in reference to the money thing), but I think Catholics tend to be democrats, so who knows.

Also amazing are your nails. What color is that?!

Yes, it has, and it was GLORIOUS.

While I agree that the school was way out of line, I’d like to extend a hearty middle finger for the “schools will use any excuse to prevent kids from learning” line. You hear about incidents like this but don’t hear about places like my school who don’t have ridiculous dress codes that shame kids. For all the places

So punishing the child for something the parent did is fair? I doubt this kid does her own school shopping.

You actually do neither of those things. Just call home and tell the parent she can’t wear the shirt again. Sending her home causes her to miss class time (and is essentially a suspension) and giving her a loaner can be humiliating, when the child actually did nothing wrong. This is an adult issue.

You warned me, but never listen. I should have listened.

Fuck that guy. It’s one thing to write a poorly-written critique of a film when it comes out, but it’s another thing entirely to write an ad hominem attack piece about a film that’s ELEVEN YEARS OLD. Click-bate, for sure, from a dude who appears to have an ax to grind.

Ooooo. The Medici family is fascinating.


Never change.

Summer of ‘94 we had just moved to a new town and I was staring the fifth grade in a new school. The day before school started, I was playing with one of those little rubber poppy toys - the ones that are half circles that you flip inside out and then wait for it to flip itself back, thus launching it into the air.

Was this intended to sound bitchy? It sounded needlessly bitchy.

I’ve seen that face.

Cradle the butt, man.

Oh good god damn. That's adorable.