

Help me understand your hate for him in the first place. I feel like he is the kind of guy one would be very indifferent towards, if one could be varying degrees of indifferent (Can you? idk).

No, don’t do this. Key words: “We are not close.” Diesel’s response was the right one and perfectly appropriate.

The mere thought of spending $25k on a wedding gives me heart palpitations. Can’t afford it. Won’t have it.

Good eye. I think it is.

Whyyyy am I back in the greys?

Going on three years with my intrauterine sister wife. She and I are in this together! Might be time to part ways this fall, though. Could be some baby-making in the future. We'll see. The best part: being able to make the choice.

I sympathize! Mine was supposed to be in a bowling alley. For $35, you got to bowl and eat pizza. Cash bar. People wanted to go but not eat or bowl (because duh) and were told they had to pay anyway. Pass.

Where in WI? 31/f, looking for friends in NE Iowa. Just friends, tho. ;)

Maybe reach out to her? I'd avoid bringing up the abuse though. If she has struggled with stability in the past, bringing up traumatic childhood memories might trigger those issues again.

He's got kind of a Jimmy Stewart thing going on, so allow me to say: without reservations, he's a stunner.

This is bloody brilliant.

This is brilliant. How'd you communicate that?

When I saw this photo this morning, I suspected that there would be some delightful commentary. You did not disappoint. Thank you.

While we may be on opposite sides of this issue, I hope we can at least agree that this gif is hilarious.

We could be having this same conversation if he were 6’ 6”-6’ 8”. There’s nothing about this that is judgemental about his height.

It sounds like this dude is trying to avoid multiple ex-flames, which makes this even douchier. Who dates so many women who know each other enough to attend the same wedding and then tries to bail on the wedding as a result? Asshat.

You sly dog...

Poor girl! Who was responsible for loud sexy time noises then?