
I’ve gotten a tattoo in every city I’ve lived in except my hometown. Maybe this summer. It started out randomly, not planned, but turned into a thing. I'll continue it.

I’m trying to imagine the type of person who would think that “wiping” a computer would erase any evidence of wrong-doing... And it’s exactly the type of person who I’d expect to live in a backwater town in Missouri.

I picture people who collect beanie babies as some of the most, ahem, unusual people on the planet.

It IS pretty remarkable.

I just posted something similar before reading.

Opinions aside, I can’t even imagine the havoc wrought on that woman’s body.

Somebody above said no. Apparently if the return period is 24 hours they don't do a restock? Not sure how much truth is in that.

I've got super thin, incredibly brittle nails, and so every 2 to 3 years I go through a phase where I want to get acrylics. However, like you, I type a lot, so I want them to be very short. So short that the people at the nail salon actually don't want to cut them down because they think they are too short. So I

Very similar here, except he says he wants to get married and he will randomly bring up something about our future wedding. But for some reason, eight years into our relationship, he just can't seem to pull the trigger. He is absolutely the man I want to spend the rest of my life with, but at what point do I say

No shade, but Hamilton wasn’t a president either, and while Benji was a major player in the founding of the U.S., Hamilton is most well-known for a duel. Dude’s gotta go.

I thought it was pretty clear from this statement:

If I could star this twice...

Because whatever conversation the young man has had with his fiancé about his sexual history is between him and his fiancé. Would the father have even brought up his sexuality if he hadn't fucked him?

Fuck that dad for putting him in that bullshit position.

Is that Mary J in the background looking all concerned?

I raelly wanted an “All of the above, except you, Shrayber, honey; you’re amaze-balls” option.

One might hope...

It’s cilantro. I can tell by the leaf shape, but you can tell in the grocery store by smelling it. Cilantro smells delish, and parsley doesn’t smell at all.

Ironically, the only jeans I’ve ever bought from LB was a pair of Seven7 and it’s because they were the only pair NOT bedazzled!

YES. Target used to have some great boyfriend cut v-neck jobbies for like $9 a pop. Now with that new AVA+VIV abomination, they're discontinued.