
I don’t know you, Finger, but before I opened this I immediately thought “I’d so drink with Tom Hanks,” and then you said the same thing. KISMET, DUDE.

I do now for some reason. I didn't before. Problem solved. :)

This loses a little something without video.

Why were they going to fire him anyway? All signs pointed to him righting the ship; he went 21-12 after Orr had maybe 13 wins last year...

This will be in my nightmares tonight.

I hate that this made national news, but I couldn't be more proud of my alma mater for handling this quickly, openly, and appropriately.

I am having an existential fucking freak-out right here.

Then don't give anything. Any couple who aren't assholes recognize that your presence is gift enough. If they have a problem with that, well, that's their problem.

Kindred spirits are we! Also, is that a flying pug? Here is a pic of my favorite chug sitting on my chest until I feed her:

Ha, thanks! A friend once posted this on Facebook and the result was too good to not use on a regular basis.

That dude you know sounds like a giant, raging, hemorrhoidal asshole. Thanks for increased heart rate, douche bag.

I teach high school so I've got a million kid excuses, but this one happened at home, last night.

"Poor country" could be equal to Pennsylvania...

I don't know much in the way of details, and this is obviously anecdotal, but my cousin with endo and fibroids (she just had one the size of a cantaloupe removed) was told by her doctor that having an IUD would help with both issues. She had one implanted in January.

A documentary on cheerleaders, something True Life-esque

What? No. Take your trolling to THAT article, not this one.

I call mega bullshit on the authenticity bit. I previously worked in the high school where Farrah attended during filming. Not only did they outright lie to the school district about what they were filming for, I've taught several (reliable) students who were seen in both 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom and each of them

I think s/he meant a link to the Great Egg War post, which I can't find.