
If he didn’t want to be groped, he shouldn’t have been wearing that hat.

I also like your variable speed vibration function.

Agree. That and she can no longer move her face due to her “kidney” operation.

She probably just doesn’t care.

We’re in Appalachia. People refer to us as “hillbillies,” not rednecks. Get your slurs right.

It’s Sevier” County. For the most part, we are great people who are capable of stating our personal opinions at appropriate times and places without toothpicks hanging out of our mouths. This is just embarrassing.

Actually (and I’m embarrassed that I remember this, so no need to shame me), the poncho picture is from Stewart leaving prison and the poncho was crocheted for her by a fellow inmate, so wearing it out of the jail was kind of a solidarity moment?

P.P.S. Please if you get a chanse put some flowrs on Algernons grave in the bak yard ... 

she has given in to #impeachthemotherfucker against her wishes because it has become the majority opinion (Blind squirles and all...).

I am not quite moved by a still of Pelosi simply doing her job

You’re a killjoy.

At least she’s standing up and not under the table giving Trump a BJ like the entire GOP.

When was the last time you sat in a conference room full of men (literally, 16+ to your one), and had to stand up for what was right and call bullshit?  She ain’t a superhero, but for fucks sake she stands for every goddamn one of us that was in that position and COULD NOT stand up because it would have been the end

I did! It was terrific. I got the entire collected works on Kindle for ten bucks and I am unwell a lot so I plowed through everything she wrote. It was fascinating, in that it ranged from absolutely sublime, to just terrible! T. he things she contracted to write for syndication in periodicals were often sort of phoned

Headline: Matt Goetz kicked out of impeachment hearing

Nothing says “Happy Birthday US Navy” like a picture of a Russian battleship...


At least that's an argument based on reality and not some Ayn Rand wet dream.

I don’t think this is what Jesus would do