
That’s what the Big Squeeze was all about. Slim was still “o-kayyyy” in that Dave Chapelle/ lil  jon voice when our hero bent him over his own knee and leaned on him. I figure he was squeezing the last, last little bit of gangsta out of that particular toothpaste tube. Love it.

Yah, this reminds me of all of those "And then I saw the Light" druggie memoirs: 95% fond reminiscences about that time they smoked an 8 ball, 5% don't do what I did, amen. Pure horsecrap. 

I’m interested in his facial masking, posture, hesitant gait and dangling arms. He used two hands to drink from a glass. I noted that as he lifted the glass to his lips, the ‘propulsion’ faded, thus the need for the second hand assist. He tends to cycle from hypermania to hypomania regularly. I’ve seen Parkinson’s

Up all night doing rails. Gettin' IDEAS. 

Radiation baths? Christ on a bicycle, that’s simplistic. Also, a Clorox bath will give you deep red chemical burns, so, don’t.

I’m a genetic face slapper, bred from a long line of face slappers. Now, I’ve always managed to overcome it, the Urge, but right now my palm is tingling. 

Oh, hey. I stumbled into bob berdella’s bizarre bazaar back in the 70's and saw some of THE filthiest 1880s post card porn, all handlebar mustaches and giant dongs. Google the man and see why this is such a special memory.

Sweet! Let’s get in the Way Back Machine and pick up a new ‘07 Accord. While we’re at it, we can jet back to 1978 for a case of real Chapstick.

Is this comment a super duper literary reference or a total accident?

Agree. I thought the last line tasty enough.

CI remember having a definite before and after feeling post 9/11. I would watch commercials obviously made before the event and think, how quaint. The same fucking feeling applies now... .who CARES about Kardashian crappola, makeup tips, interwebs feuds? Please stop posting stupid filler articles, ‘cause it doesn’t

I getcha. But you are entering an age where toxic fucks lamenting your “good luck” and openly wishing for it to end won’t seem as precious. Friends? Girl, count yourself lucky if you have two: you and whomever is lucky enough to have you. 

Re : your shit friends.

Have you even tried “feckless twat”? It just rolls off the tongue, you’ll see. Cunt is a word I wanna reclaim-it's not an insult! I know some cunts, and she’s no cunt. She’ll never reach that pay grade.

I use it to describe frivolous, vacuous self centered women like this. The C word I reserve for myself. 

Bitch has been(worried well) tested. Missouri has tested about 200. I doubt our nurses, docs, CNAs  care about your pinterest/Instagram ideas to keep your brats entertained. Ya tone deaf twat.

Awesome to mention du Maurier! Rebecca thrilled me as a kid and still does. I’d suggest Vanity Fair by W. Makepeace Thackeray , One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Lolita by Nabokov, Tar Baby by Toni Morrison and the greatest book ever written, Madame Bovary. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. 

But....that's Stoly she's swigging. Ah, Stolichnaya! Tito, I don't know you.

This was Saturday night; the guy in the hat just tested positive. See NYT for story. From your mouth to God's ear.

NYT just reported Trump AND Pence exposed during a circle jerk with Brazilian delegation.