
I, 60 yr old white woman, left my phone in Long John Silvers. Came home, did Find  My Phone, bricked it bc it wasn’t secured. Retrieved the next day, slept just fine in the interim. She’s 22. She can totally handle this.

Did you find your phone?

Seven blank spaces to fill, eh? There were Seven Dwarfs. Seven Wonders of the World. Seven different fruit in Hawaiian Punch.

This has been circulating recently, in case you didn’t see it. It’s a short essay by W.E.B du Bois about the endless obsession with canonizing REL.

So, I administer the MOCA a lot. As a clinician, I consider the MOCA more useful as a screening tool than a proper, full assessment, which is why I dislike it. However, it’s so easy and quick to administer, that I use it in a pinch. It’s not psychometrically appropriate to determine whether or not a person has

If you want to cosplay as a pioneer wife and have a lot of kids, and engage in pioneer wife cosplay promotion, go right ahead, have a good time. But, because she’s not actually actually convinced this a good choice, she has to constantly hunt for folks she is better than.  And that’s where the problems start.

Really appreciate this analysis. Reminds me of something Ralph Nader once said, “Young wives are the leading asset of corporate power. They want the suburbs, a house, a settled life, and respectability. They want society to see that they have exchanged themselves for something of value.” I think this is relevant to

to the person dealing with the shitty neighbor: at this point, he is harassing you and needs to be dealt with. your city’s noise ordinance and your lease will determine what you can and can’t do in your apartment. she has to do with the noise of people walking around him. If he doesn’t like that then he shouldn’t be

I work in a five star hotel and casino in las vegas. I scrub floors, shampoo carpets, take out trash, so on and so on. and I have chronic asthma.

Neither, I thought about making a Yellow Wallpaper reference but assumed no one would get it. You get a car!

I know! I love roasted cauliflower and I have zero interest in this dick. 

I know wall paper has periodic resurgences in popularity, but that pink bathroom paisley needs to be taken out back and shot.

(3) If disputed, a student may establish sex by presenting a signed physician’s statement that shall indicate the student’s sex based solely on:(a) The student’s internal and external reproductive anatomy;

Very good use of ‘twat’.

Forever Amber!! I read that in my teens - it was considered slightly naughty back then.

Drugs not hugs 

My friends and I are just hoping trump will continue to hold rallies. 

“He must have incredible back strength to keep that hunched posture...”

There’s no justifiable reason for Sanders to remain in the race knowing what he knows about the nature of his own supporters.

We fought a bloody revolution so I would never have to give a shit again