Well, since it’s a witch hunt, it’s very simple to put this whole thing to rest. Throw Trump in a body of water. If he floats, he’s a witch and must be executed, likely by burning. If he sinks, he’s not a witch but will likely die by drowning.
Well, since it’s a witch hunt, it’s very simple to put this whole thing to rest. Throw Trump in a body of water. If he floats, he’s a witch and must be executed, likely by burning. If he sinks, he’s not a witch but will likely die by drowning.
It's a MAD fold in!
It’s pretty fucking easy once you’re a celebrity with fuckwads of money to forgive everyone because all of a sudden those things that are problematic for the average punter of a particular sexual orientation/ race etc go away . Your fame and power will pave the way
He might have!
Turkey Fucks Chicken
They’re just giving a Hesb-holla.
Barron! Stop messing with The Cyber!
Putin’s grand plan for making NATO implode is humming along nicely.
LOL, holy shit, you’re a terrible troll.
in my great and unmatched wisdom
Point of order: McDonald’s doesn’t serve pot roast.
When I was in the Army, we always had a number of unit leaders who would brag about being the best. I could usually count on those units being absolute shit shows.
“A reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition, because familiarity is not easily distinguished from truth. Authoritarian institutions and marketers have always known this fact.”- Daniel Kahneman
Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice.
1. John Wilkes Booth
God DAMN, man.
Sadly, they’ve already done it. Four years out of the twelve we have left to cut our carbon emissions significantly is one-third. We will be, in 2021, already 33% behind where we would need to be to prevent that dangerous and untenable temperature increase headign towards every human, animal, plant, bird, fish, and…
Tiny holes.