Fucknutsville has a very happening downtown these days
Maybe it’s time for Don Donald to go play in the tomato garden with his grandson.
I am SO going to implement this in the habitus at my house: I will clean this toilet, and when it is over, I WILL BE THE HERO. ANYTHING I DID WILL BE PRAISED.
I would bet that before the end of the weekend, Rudy Giuliani is positioned as the villain, a rogue operative out there making deals on his own. It won’t stop the investigation, but that’s how the Trump Cartel thinks.
Tongue that greasy swamp ass, Graham. Put some love into it.
This is, by and large, the essence of every complaint about the mindset and intent of DJT since he declared his intent to run for President in 2016: Using manipulation and deceit to achieve personal goals and garner influence and power from systems outside the normal legal flow of buisness or politics. DJT has used…
I have been thinking it was him since the timeline was made public. If he isn't, his last month or so as DNI was filled with Forest Gump levels of coincidences.
I feel like the WB is Dan Coates based on this document.
I love that they sent Rick Perry to meet with the president to prove to Ukraine that Trump would not deal with them until they proved to Trump’s satisfaction that Ukraine was going to play ball with Trump.
Hey look, obstruction of justice again.
Sir, this is an Arby’s.
That is the Freedom Fist. Because he’s constantly fisting democracy.
Don’t hold your breath. If Pelosi literally tossed Trump down a reactor shaft Star Wars style, Splinter would be right there bitching that she lifted with her back instead of her legs.
You’ll be in the bathroom one night with the dark hallway behind you. You rise up from splashing water on your face and in the mirror you see her shadowy figure in the darkness.
The current administration has proved that the dipshit son/son in law/daughter of a corrupt policitian can be whatever they want to be.
Troll on troll violence is my favorite type of Kinja
It’s pretty clear Trump never played Risk as a kid, otherwise he would know better than to mess with the mighty Ukraine.
The packets without the ketchup probably have more nutritional value than the food