
What a way to refer to Our Beloved President, sir.

Does Chelsea eventually slit her throat?

God, just watched the Ivanka reaction.  Merkel lit that bitch up. lol

OMG... That creepy day-walking vampire Pence’s visible twitch is the greatest gift of 2019 so far. I could watch that all day and night.

There was a study done that found people who sexually harass in the workplace are also more like to embezzle and to take credit for their colleague’s ideas.

Now playing

Gee whiz, sure seems like DJT violates Twitter’s TOS pretty frequently. I wonder if he will ever be held accountable in any way, shape, or form from that garbage platform. Suspension perhaps? Yeahh.

The snark here is kind of rich for a site that is so rapturous about the fourth iteration of A Star Is Born.

Diana Mitford Guiness Mosley did. She remained a lovely Fascist until the day she died.

What absolutely eats me alive about his “fake news/enemy of the people” rhetoric is that Trump is observably intoxicated by the power of his office. He must know that his words and actions carry a weight that simply doesn’t exist in the words and actions of members of other corners of society—particularly with his

Meghan McCain is the embodiment of “I want to speak to your manager”. 

Not WaPo but a little gem from Daily Beast.

Go to the page - right click om web address - left click on copy = go back to your post - place cursor in box & left click - right click - left click on paste

I just drink regular tap water. *shrug*

Vs. vodka and corn on the cob .

Yes, he’s exactly the kind of alpha that sits down when he pees, all right.

...about the Dukes of Hazzard.  

See, that was always my problem with going to the bathroom during winter training in Alaska...6 inches of clothes and 3 inches of dick.

Whenever I see things like this I wonder what is happening behind the scenes in DC. This feels like a distraction, is Jared or someone else about to be arrested?

She also said she initially didn’t want to talk about the incident publicly because her daughter and other children were involved.

Placemat for cornflakes.