
Also you don’t understand how opinion polls work you dopey twat.

i loved farmer boy. i grew up in upstate new york and i remember i went to a summer camp wayyyy up in the north country in seventh grade and we drove right through malone, where the wilders lived, and i about flipped my lid because i thought it was so cool. i often think about the chapter where the parents go out of

Wait, what the hell now?

Fuck Terfs

Me, too. I must have read that book a dozen times as a kid. I still think about that potato exploding and hitting Almanzo in the eye every once in awhile (poke holes in those potatos!) And this year, in the garden, I thought about Manny winning the prize for ‘Best Pumpkin,’ at a fair and feeling the need to confess

Isn’t Ivanka his beard?

I’m astounded that folks aren’t getting this reference. 

Why bless your heart if you think he could beat anything other than his dick.

As for the shutdown 2.0, let him. No skin off my nose if Trump wants more buckshot in his foot.

Here I was thinking he only signed the spending bill so he could go play golf again. 

Finally, an explanation for why professional football players are such great boyfriends. 

Good job Mom!  I have both a girl and a boy and my life lessons apply equally to my son and daughter.  

The NFL finally getting on the ball.  Last week, nobody had blocked the Saints getting fucked on live TV 


We’ve had years of this shit, and yet people still look for truth in his insane delusions and outright lies.

He’s an abandoned space child!

Please stop defending him in any way shape or form. There are no mitigating circumstances with child molestation. He was a scumbag predator whose deeds rest solely on his own shoulders. Of course he had help-but no one was forcing him to destroy these boys’ lives.

He threatened a guy’s THERAPY dog. I bet the dog isn’t even a Democrat.

You’d think the MAGAs would be thrilled that finally someone is getting locked up because of Hillary’s emails.

He hated himself and he wanted others to feel the same way. Ugh. I hope the people he tortured are okay and get the love and support they need.