
Don’t it make your blood run cold with a total lack-of-surprise?

I have a coworker who’s a Trump guy. As soon as I heard the news I immediately asked him how it felt that his president got beta cucked by Nancy Pelosi and for the first time in 6 months he had nothing to say.

Coulter and Limbaugh are going to be pissed when he returns home with no cow and magic beans.

You’ll cut yourself on all her sharp edges.

So he basically just owned the next shutdown. 

Dang, James Harden is way hotter than both those other Jameses!

Honestly I’m glad. The last thing I want to see is him blathering about King because a) he probably doesn’t anything about King, b) he’s not going to mean anything he says, c) he’s just going to make it about himself.

Pence earned his dose of POTUS jizz for the day. Now go kiss Mother with that mouth, you fucking souless humaniod husk.

just your standard teenage male asshole. 

What surprises me more than anything, is that all the studies prove there is a correlation between giving a doctor food and getting them to prescribe, and STILL there are some docs who will defend this practice.

Personally I am consciously forcing myself to keep up and keep engaged. I’ve seen end games of this kind of regime, and I refuse to let this motherfucker win.

As an inner city academic doctor who has to clean up the mess of this opiate epidemic on a daily basis, you do NOT want to hear what would come out of my mouth, if I could say what I really think about Big Pharma and the specifics of their treachery to the American people over the last few decades. There simply are no

Wait, is this more of a “Quantum Leap” time travel, where I take over the body of somebody? Or is this more of a “Timeless” time travel, where I physically go back and then when I come back there’s a new James Bond movie because I’m in a new timeline?

It’s a moot point, because you can’t go back in time and kill baby Hitler. Not because time travel doesn’t exist, but because it’s a predestination paradox.

Don’t forget Don Jr. legal exposure as he testified and lied (we can only assume) to congress about this last year.

He got a mulligan because somebody was a poor shot.

And then maybe they’ll notice you and all this thirstposting won’t have been for nothing!

Half-Price Books might buy them.