
Hillary being investigated by FBI = she is crooked

Trump being investigated by FBI = they are crooked

Protesting immigration at this point in time. Because you know, fuck you I got mine.

I’m old, help me out. Is this the very definition of “thirsty”? I mean, she’s clearly nuts but I am trying to get hep to the ling.

Darth Maul got literally cut in half and fell down a really long shaft, and he cane back. No body, no death?

“You’re fucking it all up, Mick.”

It’s super easy to convince my teenage son that asinine childish bullying is bad and you’ll get in trouble for it when he has such amazing role models in the highest positions in society.

Who wants to fuck someone with egg salad breath?!?

How dare you compare Trump to a yellow lab! That dog is sweet, loving, loyal, and can be trained not to hump random women’s legs. Can you honestly say Trump shares any of those qualities? I didn’t think so!

I thought it was funny. Extra points for it airing on Fox.

He had to be fired, but... BRAVO GOOD SIR! That was fucking awesome!

This was very amusing. But let me assure you that Kushner is decidedly not one of us.

His legal team filed in court over the holidays to delay proceedings in his emolument case, citing the shutdown, so....yes. Yes he does.

Dumb question. Does an actual set of steps exist?


Hahahahaha hahahahaha. Hahahahahahaha. Haha. 

I dunno what he’s on but it must be great.

Three hours and nobody came?

and all the sniffing!

Hey, I’m a pasty white lady with a Chinese husband! *high five*

Jesus dude, the women was murdered so show a little respect. You guys are acting like she was Sarah Huckabee Sanders or something