
Damn.. Good on you for kicking his ass; I‘m sorry that we live in a world where you had to encounter that in the first place.

Sad this article doesn’t have more comments. But the proof is obvious as to whats going on: Moore had been homeless and working as an escort before his death. Buck, on the other hand, is a 64-year-old, white, well-known gay Democratic donor who has contributed to campaigns for politicians including Hillary Clinton.

Think of ways to make a buck off it.

You “trust” the Rupert Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal’s reporting?

Oh come on.

British racism is oddly cheerful - it has a built-in “out”.

I thought he looked like John Wayne.

Wheelbarrow jousting? Wheelbarrow jousting.

At $59 for a kids toy, they are indeed overpriced. Judgement in favor of Louis Vuitton.

You're definitely over thinking it that's for sure. 

Wall Force!

Not to be Helen Lovejoy about it, but are all of our kids going to grow up to have fecal fetishes because we encouraged this whole poop fad? We even gave anthromorphic turds big eyelashes and plump lips, just so kids would know that the turds were sexy female turds. 

It seems to me like he’s decided his new target audience are exactly the sort of people who don’t think that he should have been held accountable for what he did to women. And that says everything, really.

you’re likely going to stay in, order dinner and binge on Netflix until you wake up in a new year, almost certainly asleep before midnight. Alone. That sounds sad. You were in until the “alone” bit, right?

God I can’t.

I love free speech, and I’m free to hate George Carlin.

For me, he’s always been in the Thomas Pynchon / Terry Gilliam / Frank Zappa garbage bin of people whom I guess I can’t argue with but just can’t stand.

😂😂😂 the saltines.

He's auditioning for Sarah Sanders' job, isn't he?

people act like C.K. has been banned from comedy, period. Clearly he has not been banned, since he has continued to do comedy sets.

“I’m done, so I’ll just say all the nasty shit I wanted to say all along. No more pretending to be a decent human being.”  Which, by the way, he already sucked at.

They can’t investigate me if the government isn’t open.