
A close relative lives in Chapel Hill. I just sent her a note of appreciation.

The giants and the Children of the Forest were the first inhabitants of Westeros before the First Men came from the East. With the second wave of invading men, the Andals, the Giants, like the Children, went into hiding north of the Wall and slowly went extinct. Wun Wun was the last of them.

Yeah, being hit with a wine bottle hard enough that it shatters?! That makes me think pcp :/

They sent her here to find moose and squirrel!

It made sense before, but I don’t think the Kanye and Kim relationship has ever made quite as much sense in the past as it does at this moment.

I like the box it comes in (that’s what she said).

Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people. 

McCheetoism. We are in an era of McCheetoism.

Where are all the photos of small children on the beach, choked to death by the hazardous, teeny, tiny toys? >_>

Or that little one under the left arm that everyone in the SS had to have.

They can’t fetishize her properly because she has actual power.

I’ve used this forever and my now-approaching-middle-age skin still benefits from a weekly scrub. Did they apply it with Scotch Brite or something?

If she were my mother, I’d be ashamed.

No no no - that song is hideous and dreadful! Never reference anyone’s relationship to that couple of cheating asshats!!

It was probably very easy to carry her through the park. I imagine she weighs about 79 lbs, and can probably fold herself into the shape of a hat or scarf.


So about an hour ago I was running on the lovely canal trail in my city. It’s cold and sunny, a perfect day to run off the angst of the last two weeks. I’m waiting to cross the main four lane street when I see a bunch of vehicles with lights and sirens coming towards the intersection. I thought it was a funeral but

Watch Addams Family Values and then get back to me about whether you think Wednesday Addams was appropriating Native American culture or ...not.

Drunk people suck.