
My tale isn’t exactly public, but at least there’s a witness. It’s a story of shame and the meaning of friendship.

thank you for understanding. If I ever meet Obama myself, I’m going to tell him about this.

Innocuous fact: My grandma kept a baggie full of drinking straws, napkins and supermarket produce bags in the glovebox of my grandpa’s Oldsmobile for kiddo soda drinking occasions and such (bag was for trash, natch).

Like frogspawn buzzing with a gentle electric current, I reckon.

“The man isn’t a perfect Christian,”

My wife and I recently lost our twin boys, Anton and Colin, at 20 weeks gestation. They were handsome, they were healthy, but my wife had an unforeseen and undiagnosed incompetent cervix despite being on bedrest for most of the 20 weeks, and we were advised that we need to deliver or we would lose three lives instead

I like that they broke it down in a very child-explainy style for the maroons who need to have it explained to them as such.

John McCain has always been a little shit who does the politically expedient thing for John McCain all while marketing it as “Maverickism.” 

I’m not a food-and-sex person anyway, but honey especially seems vile in that context. I feel bad for the bees.

It’s cute that the poster referred to their post as intelligent.

Obama is a known baby whisperer.

I don’t even own a Sunday!

agreed, totally. now, i’ve rented my fair share, mind you...

It’s amazing many of us made it to adulthood.

I have yet to receive a satisfactory answer on what the theoretical endgame is of her alleged becoming-president-while-dying conspiracy.

Did no one else watch the 7 hours she was in front of the Senate committee on Benghazi? Regardless of if you think she was telling the truth/is an evil murderer/just don't like her- it is pretty clear that she is fully functioning, cognitively speaking. Compare that to say, Ronald Reagan, who was in the early stages

It’s set up like a kid getting their ears pierced by a friend at camp or something.

The ‘benefit’ is the penis-haver does less work.

Why do people reach for such extreme measures? There are so many, less drastic things that women can do. Such as:

“I don’t think it is such a critical public health issue that we should force parents into it.”