
It drives me up the wall. I had things like reduced lunch as a kid, and now, guess what? I am a college-educated citizen with a job, who pays taxes, contributes to society, and serves in the military. You know what would have made all that impossible? Not being able to think in school because I was so hungry. So for

Related: if you have not read this you are not my friend any more.

Exactly. Sure, it’s about all of us on some level, okay. But not acknowledging that this is about gay people specifically—that is erasure. And it serves homophobic ends.

Yes. I think you got it.

Dude, Deerlady, I think I figured it out! People are interpreting him the same way they interpret the Bible!!!! That’s why his followers like him they just take a Sharpy and cross out some of what he says and highlights the rest until it fits their world view!

Muhammad Ali’s death has no place in a dirt bag.

I know that must have been a horrible interview for Starr, but look at the way he’s dressed. He was asking for it.

I was thinking Stephen Avery and Grumpy Cat plus a lot of pregnant drinking.

There surely has to be a legal obstacle or two against ramming giant planes into skyscrapers, even if you do it all on your own property. Like if the plane misses and hits something else, won’t it be a huge problem?

Hey, don’t take it out on me; I’m just reporting the facts as I see ‘em. I mean, I love cats too and not all cats are terrorists but all terrorists are cats.

I HATE everyone

This is the truest statement.

The internet is making everyone crazy.

Could it be that he assumed that reverse would take him back in time?

The reverse lights coming on has got to be the funniest expression of futility I’ve ever seen.

We have fun here.