
Woah. That was almost eerily spot on.

"It's not that I think our children would be disturbed, it's that I think they're young enough that they might see a loving relationship between two people and think it's something good, rather than an abomination that must be rejected by all decent people."

Thank you for this informative, thoughtful response!

You're saying you get into massive fights about a piece of fiction that you admit you've only taken a cursory look at?

Man, it must be hard for you to go swimming, since you only ever scratch the surface.

Why hasn't Kirstie launched her own brand of Yo-Yos yet?

Well she *is* in college, you pedant/spoilsport/dreamcrusher.

but there's already the scent of backlash in the air

I buy things off a person's wedding registry and never give them the gift.

Co-sign. He's also the one human being on earth (that I met in person) that defined the word "charisma" for me. Not particularly tall, not particularly handsome. But godDAMN.

I would vote for him again. He was a decent enough POTUS.

Man, can we ever make news in Maine for anything that is at least not a tad bit absurd. I mean, this is wicked cute, but certainly doesn't do anything to ease our false rep as the south of the north. On another note, even though I live in one of the southern most and most populated areas of the state, porcupines are

When I was an undergrad at Cal Tech, I worked in a restaurant.

"Excuse me, I've been eating bread my whole life, and gluten will literally kill me."

I'd rather be you than Michelle Rodriguez. That sounds epic.

Some of her comments she has made are not "problematic" but just plain racist and she is an awful person.

Hooray! E! isn't renewing Chelsea!

No. I'm hearing and speaking impaired. I've been involved in the community for most of my life. These people are assholes for complaining.

The thing about guns, they are like a MURDER BUTTON. This would not have happened if she had a knife, I guarantee. With a knife or a hammer you have to be determined to kill or at least seriously wound. With a gun, it's just a button to be pressed with a twitch of a finger. Stories like this are why guns are so

Right. My mom always told me if I got into the same situation 3 times, it was time to look at myself.