
Here are some reasons to be on skid row at night: buy drugs. End of list.

No, that's not what anyone is saying at all:

Because we have great minds, that become doctors that cure diseases, and a top-of-the line healthcare system(that most of us can't access)- and as a result, rich white men are living longer. This means the Republican Party gets to hold on to an aging, backwards-thinking population for a few more decades, when they

Just want to say, yet again, fucking thanks, Kinja! THANK GOD I don't have to read news stories sans the hateful bigotry in the comments.

Number 2,

Omg her spine is so fat!

Cutest bonfire for Satan EVER!

Why stop there?

Don Music: A popular lounge singer who expressed musical frustration by slamming his face into the piano. Kids began to idolize and imitate him, so he was forcibly retired. I don't remember him.

Snuffleupagus. Huh. At least now we all know what's in the pipe your avatar is smoking.

9) Snuffaluffagus

Ladies, if you can spend thousands of dollars to make your boobs the size of Jupiter, the least you can do is pay 30 bucks for a bra that fits.

When are their parents up for parole?

That's a super ignorant thing to say. My mom has one too, and she was born in the late '50s in rural Missouri. It's true that most younger people born in the US don't have them, but "third world citizens?" What a gross thing to say—on several levels. I actually find it to be an interesting visual marker of who's

Can we please not call them "pro-vaxxers?" We don't call all tenured biologists pro-evolutionists or all board certified physicians pro-AIDS-truthers. There's no such thing as a pro-vaxx person or physician. There are normal, functional, educated people, and there are vaxx-deniers, AIDS-deniers, and evolution deniers.

It is SO EASY to do a crazy, fantasy cover with 'average' people:

The deed is done, and no American lives were lost. If we don't accrue any long term benefits, it's a wash. And while it's a nice fantasy to believe that if the rest of the world collapses, everything will still be fine in the US of A, but that's not how the real world operates.

It doesn't obligate us to do anything. The point is that we did not go in unilaterally and commandeer this vessel. A nation we are friendly with asked for our assistance and we gave it.

I eagerly await the response from One Million Moms.

Suppose better this than the other way.