
Are you at all interested in equality? Or is this another round of "Let's Piss Off the Crackers and Watch them Apologize" game?

Yo, so Imma let you finish, BUT TACOS DE LENGUA ARE THE BEST THINGS EVER. My mother makes the best tongue I have ever had and in turn become the best tacos ever. I may have been know to eat a whole tongue in one sitting. I REGRET NOTHING.

Female pilot gets sexiest note from sexiest passenger. A story in images.

Wow, who would have thought that people possessing totally irrational ideas, would also be utterly unable to express them with any degree of cohesion?

His life must be terrible if that's how he uses his energy.

But if they give it away for free, how will the dairy industry survive?!?!?

"loosing"? Smarten up, dingbat.

That's one tall drink of pants

the sound of styrofoam rubbing against anything but especially other styrofoam makes me want to throw up.

Ronald Reagan was a senile old man.

And no-one ever mentions that women tend to live longer than men...

LOOK what the homosexuals have done to me, Michael!

I agree that staffing can be an issue however, that goes right back to administration. I worked in a nursing home that continually gets "perfect scores" from their state inspections- even though it second and third shift was usually a ghost town. Mandatory overtime - either you stay or you are fired and yay, that

Nursing homes. Fuck them, and especially their administration. I spent several years as an EMT and we did a lot of nursing home calls, either nursing home to hospital or hospital returning to nursing home. I've seen them all, from the "nice" ones I'd probably be ok having a family member in, to the ones that were

Also are her breasts not misproportioned and obscenely large? You say 'characterising' as if it's an individual interpretation and not the actual state of her dirty pillows.

I can clearly see the difference between a personal insult and posting on Jezebel along with a chorus. The former is a direct aggression. The latter is public shaming and an act of social aggression.

Am I the only one who generally hates vibrators? They just numb.

Well you aren't really "discussing kinks intellectually or academically" so much as "insulting a particular woman on the Internet".

The exact quote was "may your grotesquely large tits keep you warm at night.".

But even aside from that, what about the basic objection "it's a personal choice, mind your own business" do

Your language makes it clear that both distaste and moral judgement are involved. Don't BS yourself.

What's the chip on your shoulder about the kinks of others?