
Good on you.

Ok this is so great to hear. I used to be a coroner's investigator and we would always make the new police recruits thank their first dbs.

"I smelled him and I knew exactly who it was" - AHHHHHHHHHHHH all the tears. My childhood lovely TOTALLY has a smell. This made my day!!

Favorite part: she didn't really recognize the bear until she smelled it. Then *BAM* she's 3 years old.

Hahaha, Madonna looks like she's in Night of the Hunter

You misspelled "worst".

My younger brother was a lot like Bieber, with the exception that he came from a two-parent household and lived a normal suburban life. But, he got into the wrong crowd. Did the weed thing, the aggressive shit, the gangsta act. It was pretty pathetic considering how he was so not thuggish. Then he got busted for doing

Yes, she could have had an abortion, and she considered it, but she chose not to. She exercised her CHOICE - you know, the same CHOICE that she doesn't want anybody else to have.

My sil is trying to talk my husband and I out of purchasing a particular new car because "I don't think you can fit a stroller and diaper bag in the trunk." All I can think is, "No, you couldn't fit a stroller and diaper bag in the trunk." I won't be buying a stroller the size of a Hummer, and a diaper bag that holds

I want to marry this magazine cover. Ah, those wistful glances. They sustain me whenever I start to think "You know what would make my life even more meaningful? Being up to my elbows in human poop right about now."

And ugh, the cute stories. My mom now does this thing where she recounts my nephew's atrocious behavior

By request, I'm going to tell you guys about some of the science behind vaccinations/immunizations, why it's important to get them, and why "over-vaccination" isn't something that can occur. Many of you that support vaccinations may know some of this, but perhaps I can provide a little more "technical" insight into

Grandma doesn't need any of your concern-trolling, missy!

They are THE most diva-ish, difficult, irritating chickens I've EVER had the misfortune to keep. Most chickens like to "announce" their daily(ish) egg once they've laid it with a loud BUKAWWK, repeated until they're sure everyone within three miles knows there's a warm egg in the nest box. Well, my silkie, Bunny ('cos

Xanax is Super addictive. Chronic use ( not even abuse) will cause more problems than they initially "solve". Tolerance occurs with low prescribed doses. If you think you have depression and anxiety now, just wait until long term use hits you. For some people Benzos work as prescribed for many years, but the bottom

May I suggest a brow powder (or, you know, matte shadow the same color as your brows) as a filler instead? Works wonders, and so much easier than trying to blend the damn pencil.

Especially a man with 50 years of testosterone souring his meat

Ah, that's probably true. What would Freud say about my impatience to classify everything as a penis?

It's what all the crunchy murderous wives are doing these days.

Assuming the $72 is pre-tax and $21837 is post-tax as your post seems to indicate, your roommate's sister worked approximately 115 hours a week for the entire month of December? I personally would not refer to 505 hours in a month as "a few hours." That's 16.3 hour days for 31 days straight. Your roommate's sister