
Which makes King Tyrion my meat. Fuck these sulky romantic types. Let’s eat, drink and make marrying a whore mandatory.

Isn't she over 40? Forget her. 

No no no. He loves his PENIS and it indicated to him that pregancy is icky. He only porked the porn star out of love for his penis, he lied to protect a very private relationship with his privates. What's not to understand? 

Hubris. I got used to handing my nurse's license to cops pulling me over for speeding. 9/ 10 usually  worked. THEN came the day it didn't and the judge doubled my fine BECAUSE I was an ER nurse and shouldn't have been doing 93 in a 70. I got what was fucking coming to me, yes.

We like you the way you are; fresh, unsullied. If goatse gets a penny per view, he's a kabillionaire, and all of it dirty money. Gross.

I, myself, and my Five Sisters agree that all these indictments have been great for our sex life.

The patient was in SVT, a superfast heart rhythm that doesn’t really pump blood too well. The pulse at the apex was WAY over 200, the pulse at the wrist was 40. So you see...the patient was crashing. The doctor, a psycho bully bitch, kept screaming, PUSH ATROPINE! because panic. She needed adenosine, but atropine is

Got pulled over by a state rod speeding. I’d just passed a huge pickup with a lift kit and enormous tires. When the trooper (missouri troopers sexy bitches) asked me why I was going so fast, I told him I was upset because that “ big stupid truck” threw a rock into my windshield. I pointed at a tiny, 3 year old crack.

Joan Crawford 

The time I bulled up and refused a doctor's shrieking order, thereby sparing the patient's life. The doc's face! I died.

Back in the Day, I was guilty of monitor watching. My instructor sneaked behind the curtain and began rapidly tapping on the EKG lead, which LOOKED  like a rhythm incompatible with life, right? I burst through the door and the instructor screamed, "WATCH THE PATIENT AND NOT THE MONITOR!!" And she was correct in doing

Ah, but here to say as old ER nurse: women’s symptoms not as clearly “cardiac” as a male’s, but women will/ tend to seek help.

More intriguing yet are the bottle cisterns made by some long dead masonry genius out of handmade brick. One is pristine, and holds water. The Aged P tells me federal troops watered their horses there during the Civil War. I’ve found many Minie balls on site as a kid, I thought they were just big dumb bullets.

I bought a tiny house. It’ll be delivered in 2 weeks. Monday, the bulldozer guy. It’s on an ancestral piece of land with ancient cedars, and an old Civil War trace that goes back to the river. Been doing some sleuthing and found foundations of old log cabin. Found an arrowhead. I’ve cut shit tons of blackberries by

Oh, girl. I've been down home for 7 months doing 24/7 care for my elderly parents. I miss KC so MUCH. It's hard to get away, but I still hit Red Racks and City Thrift, when I can. People don't realize, KC the greatest city on the planet.

Thirty four years out from a dear one's suicide. Found her, cleaned the scene. Yeah, I'm still pissed, but I don't ever remember wishing her to rot, dude. 

Same. I was a tot, and I thought “do you want a whippin?” meant I was being offered a delicious type of candy. Hell, yes, I was down for a whippin!

Random memory: my five year old son listening to me open a tampax thru br door. “ i can hear you, mom! I know you’re eating Snickers!”

Heartily endorsed 

I’m sorry, but the statute of limitations for Blaming the Mother ends for everyone at age 30. After that, fish or cut bait.