
Yes and Wally World sells an Equate version for p-nuts. 

Actually, it was the art accompanying the article that i was referring to :

Had to one on one with psychotic patient, who did the probe/ sniff/ lick for 12 solid hours.

As far as I’m concerned, you win.

Self medicate by looking at WaPo’s master class in trollery: “Whitaker in over his head”... Fan-fucking-tastic graphic.

It was infuriating. I cannot count the times i picked up the phone to bawl her out. She missed everything! Her kids, my kids, the first black president! She’s missed all the fun. Now I’m old and she’s still dead. And 30 years is just the tippy tip of all of eternity, the dumbshit. 

Crocodile brain on full display. Usually takes a case of Natty Lite to rev this high. 

I was having a real shit day. You've helped, thanx


Too bad his father felt the need to set up such a scene for his children to see. I hope the boy didn’t see this. My best friend set up a suicide scene so heartbreaking to witness, i am still pissed off 30+ years later. I’m glad it was me that cleaned it up, instead of her kids getting off the school bus.

Hope you're ok after these hard two years. Been there. 

I am trying to get the nick name Satchel Ass out there. A fine, down home pejorative. 

Super happy to star this first. 

To me, the dead silence regarding the family members says they are a subject of intense investigative interest.

Right on! I also get a whiff of " I was so dark then, but now I am woke" for public consumption, which blows. 

They made taffy as soon as The Parent's buggy went over the hill. They ate up the barrel of sugar making ice cream, basically the same crap me and my brothers pulled, except we were frying hot dogs and guzzling Tang. Also there were unholy experiments making banana flavored " crepes." 

My son has a biology degree, with an interest in mycology. We took a little stroll thru the pasture and he pointed out the many, many psilocybin shrooms growing in the cowflop at our feet. Now that I've been taught to ID them, i see them everywhere, especially in wood chip bags burst open at Wal Mart. I'm not tempted,

I dunno. Thoughtful commentary there. Actually makes me feel good knowing how many smart people there are out there. 

Off topic, but i was just shown an ad on Splinter for Redbox. The line was: try before you buy, unlike your mail order bride” WTF? I mean, WTF??

Well, there's a new drinking game. Everyone do a shot each time he sniffs. Better buy a handle.