

Agreed. Here to say it has plenty of juice. Surprising, because my 07 Accord v6 was really something. I hated to give it up. 

I am still riding my 1300 Sabre and look like a boss bitch doing so. Honda bikes since the 70's. 

Hey, self, ALMANZO, Almonzo, Almonzo

I always think of the blacking brush incident in the parlor. Poor Alonzo crying in the corn crib. That was a great book! I lost my raggedy copy from my childhood. Prob 40 years later, I found an identical copy in a flea market, opened it up, and, LO, there was my name in baby cursive inside..FOUND!

I was out running one night and a panel van passed me, went down a bit and turned around. I was hep, having run ( ran?) at night for years. I jumped into the woods near the road and bent over to cover the reflective markers on my Sauconys. The van circled back over and over, actively searching for me, WITH THE PANEL

Joe Dirt has the 411 on this facial hair disaster.

True THAT. The only thing i gained from this was noting how different the man looked from mugshot to mugshot. 

I much preferred Farmer Boy, which covers Alonzo's boyhood in upstate New York. 

Ha, i had a conversation on a dating site with a potential suitor. It got gritty real quick when talk turned to politics. I said I wanted to see their heads on spikes. He replied that sounds awful. I said, sounds like a party to me. He told me i would never find a man and die lonely and unloved- then blocked me. Oh

Yeah, it was terrible for her. But she lived with the truth and excelled. Her mom went into The Hole still lying and denying. Old bitch. 

No heads on spikes...yet.

Note his orange face is fading. 

Yeah. But mom explained projection/ deflected guilt, etc, in a way I understood. So I never took that monkey on, which says a LOT about Mother, yes?

Nevah mind, but it was a compliment. 

Um, i can answer your question “why did i do that?” Cause you’re a racist little bitch.

Contrapoint is that you, Babe? 

I don’t think they are empty threats, I think they are stupid threats. This happens again, there may be a storming of the Bastille. His base is mighty silent at the local Spit and Whittle club. It’s all well and good when he’s fucking with the Muslims and Mexicans, but not THE MONEY.

Unfortunately, my cousin was molested at 10 or so. A grown friend of her father’s was raping her. She told me, I went straight to Mom, as taught. Mother went balls- to -the -wall for her niece. HER mother had a “nervous breakdown” over it, claiming MY BIG MOUTH sent her thus. I was 8. A real shitshow. It became their

Here’s a question : I have been caring for two elderly, very sick parents 24/7 for 6 months. My shitbag brother just walked in for his q six weeks, 1 hour visit. Should i go downstairs? Or continue to vape and read WaPo?