
Someone’s read Cherry. Gave ‘em an idea for another talking (lie) point, chatted up Pus Gut, et voila! A tweet ensues.

It licks the lips before mama claps it on.

Trump's Fuck Van fantasy.

Because that was the Story we were all fed, poor guy just trying to live a lost childhood. Hell, my childhood was lost, too! I grew up. 

Which is why I watched my boys like a hawk. People would say, “ Oh, Dubious, you’re PARANOID, they are boys. Right, yes, but boy children are just as vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. I taught them the same thing The Parents taught me...make a fuss, raise hell, tell Mom, don’t be silent. Don't doubt your


Ok, ok, but what I wanna know is...how can he see with those wee little eyeholes? (Not the ones on the white hood, understand)

Holly, i notice that Old Boy’s orange is fading...i wonder if it’s from not playing golf in Fla for 35+ days? Is this why he caved? Something as mundane as “I gotta get the hell outta Washington and get in some link time."

I’m old school, so I roll my schadenfruede with Kut Korners only. 

Narcan no good for this high. Must ride out the half-life and then do some more. Yay!

This kid has done this in the face of a parent or teacher before...it worked then and it’s working now. He’s found that an unsettling combination of dead eyes, and full on smirk just puts adults into a helpless fury. Kiddy tricks. He will pay for this, not to worry.

And my lovers! I’m a pretty slinky old darlin’-I guess i am trying to give you a glimpse into the (most excellent)future. And babe, please, stop the Google. I am also a nurse...I am always a grey person, but hit me if you need a late night word.

I’m cool with it. I’ve done the pregnancy / babies/6 months of colic (oh god)  /toddlers / testoterone swole teenagers/ angst filled 20 year olds/ daughters in law and grandkids. I’ve done the sex talk x 3. Many many many parent teacher meetings, football games, wresting matches, graduations.

And i will be dead! Ah, the great circle.

Yes, felt exactly like period cramps, up to and including checking my draws for evidence...he just turned 34. Funny stuff happening to uterus during earlys. Be brave, blessings.

The emotion i felt when my emotional support bull tossed the feed bucket into my lip, fucking it up, thanks Curly.

I 'm not putting out for anything less than the tiny Cialis bathtub gimcrack, pharma.

We don’t care about your take on fake news, Peckerhead.

A kiss of the hand to your Grandpa 

Also, doc, I’ll have you know I refused to answer the query, cause i am not big on practicing outside my scope, eh? This was so rancid, nurses putting pens in their mouths, pondering, “he DOES laugh/ cry at times?” and eating the Funyuns/ Cheetos these creeps carry around to give out.