
My son ate a calf wormer pill the size of a peach pit. 

Profanity is the crutch of the inarticulate motherfucker”

I just read history. There is always an arc to these events..you are seeing, RIGHT NOW, the tipping point. It's always like this...some fat cat gets his moment, shit escalates, the top of the arc is reached, then the inevitable downswing. Some end up in the lower bunker with a Walther in their mouth, some go to San

Yes, and nursing homes discard shit tons of insulin that goes over 30 days, or patient dies. Pharmacy sends full bottles for patients with wee doses, say 3-5 units at meals, the bottle is never used up before it expires and poof, in the trash it goes. 

Oh and the pharma reps! Big booby blonde and handsome black guy, ALWAYS. Do you remember the boondoggle with pseudo bulbar? They gave us nurses a 10 question “query” to help “diagnose” our patients with this very rare syndrome. Quick as a wink, several patients were on a med that combined two drugs that were generic,

I read, thought oh,hahaha- then spotted your Cockness,hi!

Yass yass. I'm traveling back in time to the summer Grandpa and I played cribbage and watched the Watergate hearings. I was a tender lass, but I remember the finer points, as explained by the Old Man. Today is a tipping point, Trump is fucked. Now we know why Rudi so wildeyed.

Thanks for the link, came here to post the news fast as my tattle tale fingers would let me

Oh, SORRY, check that...same yokels, they just don't beat that dog no more.

I’m curious where all those old commie bashin’ Rooskie hatin’ government types so popular in my youth are these days? They were similar to the yokels we have now, but somehow different.

Buzzfeed saying Trump instructed Cohen to lie to Congress

Thank you.That is said without irony because my race does not recognize irony. Certain of us sentient Lizard People welcome these odd bits of information, so as to learn your ways and while away time until certain Events. We, too, await Mueller’s report and after that, you can expect things to move rather quickly.

Ive started IVs only to have the patient flee the ER with the lock in place. I guess it's easier access than digging around your grody collapsed veins yourself.

Nah, keep those hopes up. Obese, poor nutrition, age, stress. Look at that abdomen! I've said this before, but i would give anything to examine his legs and ankles. Train wreck. 

This is simply an old fart skin tear. Dressed kabillions of them on old farts. 


Got a joke for you: why do meth heads always do it doggy style?

I believe in their good intentions that awful night

KC is the greatest. Recently a friend had a stroke, I was speeding to the hosp, crying, at 3 am. If you are out at 3 in Northeast, you are GOING to get accosted by a hooker. Anyway, they kept approaching me at stoplights, soliciting, and i was so upset..i asked them to pray for me. To a woman, each one stepped back,

Why does Jarrett look like a corpse from a cut rate funeral parlor?