
There's a guy in KC that loves to yell at people thru a megaphone when everyone is out farting around in Westport. He's very religious. Once a fellow in a car shouted "Stop judging people!" and Megaphone Man shouted back, " I AM judging you...I like your hat!" Which was awesome. 

My hope is she and the Hound take on the Mountain together. They did establish a wonky respect for each other..the Hound was worried about her welfare. Maybe she'll step in and Needle the Mountain if her boy gets in trouble. 

His head and body were returned to his wife in a trunk. 

Yeah, a “fister” in 1970's parlance. “I am dating a 2 fister”

The local Trumped up idiot in my neck of the woods is called Pus Gut. This is a country pejorative and i am honored to offer it to you.

The drug is measured in micrograms. I have seen 50-75, up to 300 mcg per hour via IV for post stroke brain storming. Have pushed 50 lotsa times. 3mg = 3000 mcg which would def kill a man and his brothers and dog, too.

Read The Man that Fell to Earth for a depressing, prescient take, 70's style. Forget the Bowie movie, find the book. I re-read the other day, did some symbolic reassignments and whoa, did I fall into a funk. You know what?

This is a no lose presidency for Putin. Option A: a deeply compromised idiot doing what he’s told. Or B: A deeply compromised idiot putting a stick in the spokes of government, making us lose face internationally, and keeping the rabble hypnotized with Twitter foolishness. Better than the H bomb! 

Ah, well thank you for that. I have noticed the posts that are instantly called out are always rather bland and insipid, so I wondered...does he rely on this to get ungreyed? I’ve commented for years, always grey. If i comment, it’s to directly connect in a conversation with another person, so no shits given about

Please give me the story about this tomato. Ive been seeing this for awhile, but im not understanding how y'all ferret him out so quickly.

Every med professional i speak to says he’s a train wreck. LOVE to be the nurse assessing this pus gut. As a nurse, i do not diagnose, but i assess, and a sharp bitch like me can get the 411 with my eyes, stethoscope and education. I’d start with his cloven hooves and leave nothing out. Maybe i cannot diagnose, but i

Love to see his ankles. Bet he’s edematous, hairless, with that shiny brown skin. CHF, he’s full of water. High blood pressure, huge LDL cholesterol, history of amphetamine use. Train wreck.

Sad to say, i have. Dude is spun. Those early am tweets...grandiose relief from that first bump of the day. Adderall fiends ive known claim it makes them smarter, more decisive. Then, as the day wears on, dumber and meaner. The law of diminishing returns, doncha know. This all fits with Trump’s behavior so far. Do

Yes: mild, moderate, severe and profound, you remember? Anyway, things/ terminologies change, and it’s good for me to change, too. I really don't get my feelings hurt if offered a reasoned explanation where i goof. So, thanks and apologies out there where indicated.

The Adderall doesn't sniff itself, you know.

On the other hand, Aunt Rachel looked radiant tonight, rollin those big brown eyes.

This was a common medical term used when i came on..im always up for correction, and i will remember what you advise, thanks.

Ha ha, some wag spray painted "A boot to the head Joplin!" On the watertower of that benighted town.

She was 14 years old with a 2 year old mind. A sweet child always eager to please, she had no idea...

Well, she was my patient and in pain. She looked at me and I just went nuclear on his ribs. His oofs, and ows only made me madder, not my finest moment, tho i refrained from a boot to the head. I felt super disgusted, like i was killing a rat.