
If she is comatose, she prob has a peg tube, which accesses stomach directly. She is monitored by nurses, dietary and etc. All meds and nutrition are given via peg. So she very likely had good nutritional support during pregnancy. I’ve written and changed orders a thousand times for these patients according to their

What the..? Wish i weren’t a moron so i could show you video of Bryan Ferry”Let’s Stick Together” with Jerry Hall. Ignore Ferry's huge package and concentrate on Hall's perfect nostril flare. Wendi Deng, my ass.

Very witty, amos

Rode out a tornado working in an ER. Very sick people huddled in a hallway, captive audience to an elderly lady gabbing about her bowels/ pooping as the hail beat the roof off.

Gotta say i laughed like a jackass when i found eating/ pooping dolls for my son's 2 yr old twins.

Golly thanks, sometimes i feel like a total POS, but thanks.

Earworm all day now, thanx

THIS white girl's weed in high school was ten feet tall, growing behind the barn. And, yes, rather dank.

Hey, I’m staying with my parents..it has been six months. They are both very ill, so...but today dad said something pretty awesome ( he has dementia) He told me he heard a new word on NPR. “Didn’t” The cool new word he reported was DIDN'T. He shook his head in wonder and disbelief at this astounding developement. 

Sweety, nurse here: wash those eyes with no more tears. Really does work. 

Yeah, i gasped outloud when i read that. Really went low. I imagine those kids have enough survivor’s guilt without this shit.

Whoa whoa whoa! Excellent observation! Just excellent and a bit of icing in a decision cake ive been baking this week. THANKS

Because the cheating is the whole point. My ex-beloved ex-husband cheated on me with a very unattractive woman with an ass an axe handle wide. She reminded me of Mother in pink floyd’s The Wall. An abrasive, shrill hag of a woman who silent called me hundreds of times, just because. Who told the local police she felt “

Oh my! Your masterful plan makes me feel funny in my nether regions.  

Came here for political gritty, and instead, this shit. Your joke a bit lame, the response a bit coarse, and obvs caused some distress. Be the better bra wearer and tone down the “you suck, you sensitive, get a life” reponse. A reasoned discussion would have spared us all of this drama and we could get back to

Trump’s lucky star is kaput. He’s not quite in the lower bunker just yet, but just wait. I can’t imagine Melania being quite as stalwart as Eva Braun, but then, Eva was a lady.

A legit one, my fav: Starball Contribution. It’s a real thing people, light fuse and GET AWAY.

Haha, I remember walking in on a cousin contemplating drinking bleach, as his wife “heard somewhere” it would erase THC from a mandatory drug test for work. I screamed, the dog howled, and the plan went nowhere. Her plan, that is.

Agreed. Have horrible stories of my own, er nurse, deadpan charting a must.

Worked at RSC for a time...let’s just say you are not seeing how the candy is made. Yikes! I used to think,”Well, at least this isn't a pork chop factory."