
Her intentions were to get attention from like minded friends/idiots. This shit has always been ok in her little world. She doubled down by hiring a lawyer to explain why a nice white lady couldn't mean HARM by such an innocuous action. God this is exhausting.

It’s because some people think they aren’t visible. Truly, I think people like this float along in a bubble of total self absorbtion, never giving a thought to folks SEEING and REACTING and consequences, etc. It’s like a bad case of cataracts caused by unthinking privilege.

JEEZus! Give rural America a pass! It's nice out here and infested with hard shell Democrats and libs. Lotsa morons evah-where. Don't glibly judge entire populaces, like Dear Leader encourages! 

No. No they do not weed them out. I got stories. Horrible stories. Male and females doctors who acted like pieces of shit. Nursing usually buries these people, but only if it is documented and watertight. Nursing administration is the route if you wanna be heard. 

Booga, Booga! Scary black man, totes understandable.

I feel she'd crap her pants in public if there was an angle to be played.

Want to READ a great scary story? "The Night the Ghost Got In" James Thurber. 

Yes. Ha ha...Frampton Comes Alive

Oh yeah! We also had that patent infringment Kodak! I found a picture of young, vain Me, taken nudie in front of a mirror. Fortunately, the camera covered my face, hiding the fatuous look. 1970's body? Tight! 70's mind? Oatmeal.

Ah, but it's the Brain that rapes, dear. The pecker is a tool the rapist brain wields.  

I’m my own best friend, darlin’, I’ve always got wonderful ME, and no punk wielding his pecker as a weapon can take that away! Neither can the weak minded minions afraid of being cast out of the Gang.

Oh, he’s fully aware, my friend. He’s just pulling a variation on the old What, can’t you take a joke?” In other words, it’s on you. Don’t fall for that shit, not even to the point of trying to figure it out. I’m Forever Grey (trademark), but if you need me, hit me up. Love, Dubious

Whoops, sorry, dude...answered wrong post. My bad.

Edited because stupid.

Let us take a page out of their playbook; bring back the dunking stool. Put Kavanaugh onboard and dunk him. If he floats, the Devil hath obvs saved his Spawn. If he is innocent, he drowns. Easy peasy. 

Standard crime turtleneck.

After years of waist length hair I went to a barber and got a Gentleman's Cut. Faded sides, hard part. It looks fabulous.

Yes. I wonder if the jerk that raped me ever ponders what he did all those years ago. I was the last drunk girl in a carload of drunk girls to be taken home that night. I’d known him since grade school. He dragged me out in a bean field and did the deed. He had a friend with him, and he encouraged him to join the

Grinning like a possum eating shit.

Delightful. Hulk SMASH.