
Old old joke:

Sorry, dipshit troll. Opiates not just a white problem. I’ve Narcanned folks of every sex, color, age and creed. People have died right there in front of me, foam in their mouths, relatives screaming. Pity there’s no equivalent med to give you to bring you out of your heartless assholery, your condition appears

Congrats! Old nurse here. I had a patient who was one of the first cures. We had to keep the med locked up because $$$$. The doctor called and gave me the news: CURE. Doc was very kind and allowed me to tell the patient the good news. Awesome moment.

I stand by my ‘sorta hot in 86' - you don’t take umbrage with the rest of my remarks, I notice.

Stored mine in a great vintage crocodile bag I got at Red Racks on Wornall road. Four dollars!

And not giving a shit is cheaper than boob job. Don’t you think it is kinda...disloyal to your girls? I say.        ( patting them fondly) “Rest easy, ladies, you did a great job nursing those three great big lumpin' boys, I wouldn't DREAM of mutilating you"

I’m down for marveling at a dick if it's worth my time. Let's not go crazy here

And my ladyparts sealed for duration.

Interesting you resort to the word “faggot”

Very nearly self defense? That barely counts? Hoo, boy! Truly you assholes have zero respect for human life, except for those darling fetus babies not in your side piece’s bellies. 

And freaky 1920's Arrow shirt ad hair. Wtf dude? Go with your natural part or commit fully and part it in the middle.   

Exacto knife blades in the video.

I worked with a repub pig of an ER doc back then..I remember him rubbing his hands with glee over Palin’s being chosen by McCain. ( oh honey, WHY? Tho’ the thumbs down moment redeemed your honor, requiesce in pace) Oh, the things that doctor would say! He had an immense mansion he was killing himself paying for. I

Well, ya know, my personal theory is that Obama’s deep charisma and sexy is what had all the rupub’s britches in a bunch. Nothing like a beautiful black man to make the common herd resentful.

God i miss that sexy man

He saw the tp, hence the high steppin’ cat-walking-through-a-shitty litter box gait. 

Darling, you have it exactly wrong...trolls TRY, your wit seems effortless! Buy you a drink when you are in KC?

A-to the fucking -men. Im also familiar with bipolar disorder, having family members suffering from it, as well as having worked in psychiatric nursing since ‘80. A patient confided in me that she enjoyed her mania and wouldn’t medicate because it ruined her “high.” I kinda get that, but, my God, it's exhausting to

darling! I, too, am a polyester victim..remember Sears "husky" jeans? My brother does.

Damn, that was funny.