Dread Fox

This is actually a prequel to the Minecraft movie. Game is so popular that Hollywood couldn't resist. The sequel will be about the blocks and building a new world. Here is the hint from the trailer:

Me thinks your relationship is kinda set to fail if he wants children and you do not. Neither of you are wrong but I'm not seeing how in the long run you are right for each other...

you don't deserve to know!!!

So every girl in yoga class is "presenting" themselves to me? Learn something new every day!

PS4 exclusive?

Even still, what an insult.

It was a LUNCH date!?!?

Except they didn't destroy it. Korra has been amazing and they've been allowed to see it thru to the end. They never intended for Korra to run for 5, 6, 7+ books anyways. People focus so much on the ratings and when it was or wasn't on tv and call out Nick, but yet they've delivered.

Didn't care for the most recent Lois either. As an adult watching the Christopher Reeve's films I'm no longer a big fan of even that Lois! Some of the cartoons have nailed it but the movies not so much.

No problem.

Anyone that wears a bluetooth headset and doesn't make long calls is simply a douche so the battery life is relevant ;)

Isn't it 60fps on PS4/X1?

Book ending was shite. Glad PJ recognized that.

That made you cry? Too many meds I think.

I don't really agree. I mean if it's an average film or not very good I'm not going to think "damn they disrespected Attenborough!!!" when the credits roll. Just don't see a relation between the 2.

Yeah and as you can see it looks like balls.

Ever heard of "strike while the iron is hot"? Perfect timing if you ask me. He used the ALS challenge as a way to bring attention to something also very important.

Avatar is the only show where I can't help but sound like a lunatic fanboy. Seriously I'm a straight shooter when it comes to show recommendations. I don't think everything is amazing and often times don't like what everyone and their freakin mother likes. Avatar is different though.....it's like the perfect show to

That final scene.....OH MY GOD!

I found a box in the closet of my parents house with a mix of my old CD's I'd burned way back (both music and data). Sadly each disc had issues and there was no way to get them to work :(