Dread Fox

Are you even old enough to know what happened in the 80s when Reagan was President? I lived them, it wasn’t so bad, however it wasn’t great either, but it was better than the Jimmy Carter days. Also as much as I dislike Activision/Blizzard I do not believe they went political about the game, unlike you in this

Such hate for a majority of people you dont know/understand

Ha! I never even knew about this debacle, but I loved the game. I'll buy the game 10 times more just to spite you clowns. Eat shit.

Mount and Trek

Still with Russia? The place Obama & Hillary both said - before the elcetion - couldn’t effect our election?

Wait a tit, didn’t Obummers do the exact same shit but instead slaughtered thousands of civilians during his reign? Where was the uproar? Oh yeah there really wasn’t because he wasn’t orange.

OR... he just killed a very bad person responsible for literally millions of atrocious human rights violations. You see what you want to see.

Reindeer, roll out!

People: I won’t get VR until people start making games for it.

In 2019, only white males are committing murder, apparently.

So kinda like how hip hop music encourages black kids to hang hang and carry guns

I mean, you could do that, but it wouldn’t blow up on Instagram. 

That’s the ticket.

thanks for posting to share more instances of my favorite part of the patriots winning the super bowl

Forensic criminalologists can determine the race of a murder victim by examining the skull.

I’m done with that hero busllshit. They aren’t fighting for our freedoms, even if they think they are. It is a dangerous job, but they are not serving for us. They serve at the behest of arms manufacturers and oil regimes. 

But going with that logic, half the articles here are racist and hateful against people that are white a rich for no other reason that they are white and rich and the writers writing them get paid for them. Should be harass the writers as well? Why not leave everyone alone and let them have and talk about or write

Chill, child.

New “Divorce perks” coming soon...