Dread Fox

Genocidal hate movement? A trans person is the new face of Budweiser and dozens of other brands. Drag Queen story hour is THRIVING across most of the country. LGBTQ+ literature is required reading in hundreds of schools. I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if this new HBO Potter show features a trans character or 2,

Corporations and the media are all progressive now. That culture does not reflect what plenty of people believe, but it keeps them protected. A CEO expressing a conservative opinion (like being pro-life) is not going to be met will millions of tweets praising him/her, nor will it result in increased revenue for the

Xbox Series X seems pretty solid hardware wise, not sure why you would consider it half baked or rushed.

Trump was awful and he is gone.

The Quest 2 is literally sold out. I own 2 of them and this household has been enjoying VR a few times a week since launch. 

Just put xCloud app on Xbox One. Boom, everyone can play the new Halo even if it’s not natively supported on Xbox One.

I think we have more basic questions to ask first. Headlines and shocking footage alone are steering far too many people.

What are you talking about? Plenty of places to go. Even if there aren't places to go I'd love to chill in bed and play some of GamePass's simpler games like The Messenger, Ori, or soon Final Fantasy 7 HD.

I can’t remember the last time I experience or witnessed racism. Is it really as bad as they say? That people are observing racism in their daily lives and just moving on?

Oculus Quest 2 equipped with a SD865/Adreno 650 needs to be released so it can run all these awesome VR games. First Quest was an incredible first gen release but it just didn’t have the horsepower needed to run much of anything.

Yeah but....be a lot better if they could take the ridiculous amount of taxes they currently collect and prove to us they can be responsible with that.

Because war makes money and the health”care” industry makes money. How could you not know an answer so simple?

Let’s not bring ethics and big banks into this.

I can’t believe so much time and effort was put into writing this piece. I mean....it’s certainly just a preference thing when you get down to it. I know it’s getting quite old to accuse anyone of only reacting to something because it’s Trump, suggesting they’d feel differently under Obama or Clinton but this is a

Not an appropriate analogy at all. First and foremost Shenmue had a very basic story that was easy to understand. Bad guy kills father, looking for revenge, interact with characters along the way, etc.

Apply what you just said to someone speaking out in support of the LGBT community or equal rights for African Americans at some point in recent history.

“something probably included by some angry, sexually frustrated dude online.”

Kids contribute as much pollution as adults. This is all a joke, faux outrage to feel important and “part” of something. How important is this? Like important enough to go to war against countries that pollute our planet the most? 

I agree. Something is off about it for sure. 

Found the bootlicker.